DROWNING - daniel

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note: spoilers from the movie breakthrough

not everything's the same if you've seen the movie, just the general plot and some scenes

Falling backwards, Daniel struggled against the water pushing him further down. He could feel his lungs filling with water, bubbles floating up before his face as he cried out, voice muted under the water.

He couldn't feel his arms the longer he spent trying to get back up to the top. Daniel's chest ached with the lack of air he was receiving, movements sluggish as his limbs froze over, numb and cold as he slowly gave up.


Daniel's eyes closed as he lost feeling, just wanting his pain to be over. He didn't want to fight.


His thoughts slowed down, movements stilling as he drifted beneath the surface, no longer able to see the light from the hole in the ice above.


Daniel's eyes snapped open, jolting out of his sleep. He groaned as he rolled over, reaching lazily for his alarm clock to turn it off. He laid back in bed, staring up at his ceiling with no motivation to get himself up.

"Daniel Seavey, you better be up! Breakfast is ready!" Daniel glanced at his closed door, pulling himself out of bed and over to his bathroom to get ready for school.

Shortly after, Daniel was hopping down the stairs of his home, showered and fully dressed as music blared in his ears.

He nodded his head along to the beat as Uptown Funk played through his earbuds. He opened the fridge door as he passed his mother who was making eggs, grabbing a slice of leftover pizza and making his way to the table.

"Good morning." Keri said to her son, the only voice in response was Bruno Mars' as the music traveled to her ears. She rolled her eyes, walking over and setting a plate of eggs before her son.

"Thanks." Daniel nodded, biting his pizza and smiling at his mother. She shook her head at him before heading back to the kitchen, Daniel waiting until she was gone before picking up his plate.

"Sammy." He called, their dog running over, happily eating whatever was on the plate offered to him. Daniel pulled his plate up and back onto the table in time for his dad to make his way downstairs and for his mom to make her way back in carrying two more plates.

"Looking forward to your game?" Jeff asked his son, smiling at his wife as she set a plate in front of him.

"Totally. We're gonna crush them." Daniel said confidently. He looked up as his mother cleared her throat, seeing her holding out another plate of eggs for him after glancing at Sammy, who continued to lick his lips. He took the plate with a sigh, a content look resting on his mother's face as she sat down with them.

"Is no one going to bless our food?" Keri sighed as her husband and son waited on her, "Okay, hands?" They held their hands out, all three closing their eyes.

"Dear God, thank you for my wonderful son. No matter how much he troubles me, as I know you have a plan for him, thus far only known to you." Keri sent her son a look jokingly, smiling as his eyes remained closed but his lips twitched upwards. "Thank you for this meal you've blessed us with. Amen."

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