MONO - corbyn & zach

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so basically, I started this a year ago. it's probably terrible cause I don't wanna edit lmao

my boy JB up there cause why not^^

no band au by the way

I'm gonna stop talking eNJOY

Christmas was Corbyn's favorite time of year.

Everything about the holidays brought a certain type of joy to him, the thoughts of it all lighting a fire inside him that burned bright and warmed his heart.

The holidays meant family and decorations and traditions and tricks that have been passed along throughout time.

Corbyn wasn't afraid to admit his inner hopeless romantic. The ideas surrounding mistletoe always interested Corbyn from a young age, growing up dreaming of sharing a kiss with someone under the mistletoe.

Being home for the holidays from college was a relief for him, a break extremely needed at the moment. A few weeks off to relax with his family was a necessity in order to balance out the stress from school in his life.

Christmas was a time for family to gather for one night a year, making memories and remembering old ones from years previous.

Corbyn looked forward to this time of year for months while he was away at school, counting down the days till he could come home for the holidays.

For six weeks surrounding the winter holidays, Corbyn was free from the stress stemming from his college workload. Having a passion for and pursuing a career in mechanical engineering was definitely a lot. Between all his classes, keeping his grades up, and trying to make time for friends–Corbyn was definitely ready for his well deserved break.

It wasn't long before Corbyn was making his way through the familiar airport, finding a group of people impatiently awaiting his arriving.

"Corbyn!" Corbyn laughed as his sister threw herself at him in a hug, his brother joining in.

"Oh, I missed my baby so much." His mother took his face in her hands, smiling widely before pulling him into a long hug.

Moving away was the hardest part of it all, more difficult than any assignment or equation school could throw at him. Though he'd been doing this for over two years now, it didn't seem to get any easier for any of them.

The second Corbyn was home, it seemed everyone knew. Neighbors greeted him, friends called saying how glad they were he was back and that they'd see him soon. The first message of Corbyn's plane landing all the way from New York, it seemed all of Virginia was aware.

Corbyn didn't have many friends–more like five best friends and a few acquaintances. He met Jonah and Daniel when he went away to college, Jonah being in the same year as him while Daniel was the year below. Through Daniel he met Jack, Daniel's boyfriend, who he quickly became close with as well. It wasn't long into their second year when Jonah introduced him to his boyfriend, Eben.

The five of them got along well and were close, though no one would ever top the friendship he had home.

Back home was Zach. The two had been best friends since they were young, meeting when Zach's family moved to Virginia from Texas. Zach was only eight at the time, moving with his parents and little brother.

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