EPILEPSY - corbyn

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I'm sorry this took so long oh my. I had like 2000 words on another one and I just hated it so much and rewrote it lmao

my gift to you for 21K + 500 votes :)

also—I'm sorry if things aren't exactly accurate. I tried my best with trying to understand it and do as much research as possible. Please correct me on something if it needs :)

Corbyn laughed as Daniel grabbed his hand, pulling him up the stairs of their house and into their bedroom.

He felt his back hit the bed, a giggle slipping past his lips as Daniel hovered above him, peppering kisses across his face.

His lips traced a path across his skin, from his jaw to the corners of his mouth that were turned up in a smile. They went across the bridge of nose and over his faint freckles until they landed on his forehead, Daniel placing a lingering kiss atop his head and then on both of his cheeks.

Corbyn couldn't get the smile off of his face as Daniel stopped, pulling his face back enough to look down at Corbyn. The grin that stretched across Daniel's own face began to fall slowly. He watched Corbyn's face dropped, staring blankly up at Daniel.

"Babes, you're okay." Daniel whispered, pressing a light kiss to his cheek. He whispered a few more words to Corbyn, despite knowing he couldn't hear him.

Corbyn snapped out of it a few seconds later, face scrunching up for a second before he giggled, leaning up and kissing Daniel softly on the lips.

"You're so cute." He whispered against his lips, not realizing what had just happened. He tapped Daniel's side lightly, "Now get up. I'm hungry." He pouted.

Daniel rolled his eyes, reluctantly rolling off of his boyfriend, them both beginning to make their way downstairs. "Fine. Did you take your medication today?" Daniel asked him, tone casual as he sat at their island.

Corbyn glanced over at him, thinking. "That's what I forgot to do!" He exclaimed, snapping his fingers. He shrugged, humming as he looked through the fridge for something to eat before he took his meds. Corbyn paused, looking over at Daniel hesitantly. "Why...did something happen?"

Daniel nodded, knowing he couldn't lie to him about something like this. "Yeah, just a few minutes ago upstairs. It was only a few seconds."

Corbyn nodded, deflating slightly. He'd been good about being on top of his medication, especially since being in the band. Their hectic schedule made him more on top of himself, not wanting to have something happen while they were doing shows or meeting for interviews.

Daniel got up to stand in front of him, taking his hand in his. "Hey, don't worry, okay?" Corbyn nodded, squeezing Daniel's hand back. "Why don't you find something for us to make while I go get your medication?"

Corbyn nodded again, smiling when Daniel brought his hand up to his lips, leaving a light kiss there.

"I'll be right back."

While Daniel went upstairs, Corbyn searched the fridge, eventually bringing stuff to make sandwiches, feeling too lazy to cook.

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