Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
—Betty's PoV— I left Jughead's wearing his jumper and my fluffy socks because my clothes were dirty and this 'outfit' was more comfy. He opened his car door for me and dropped me off at my house, saying "I'll see you later" We had decided to keep our relationship a secret until we were used to it and the thrill of sneaking around excited us "Bye"I replied I ran to my room so no one would see me in just a hoodie and jumped on my bed and picked up my phone to see all the messages everyone had left me. After reading them all and replying to some, I had come to conclusion that: We were all going to the woods to hang about🔥 Jughead loves me😊 And Veronica is very worried😂
(Later on in the woods) I was wearing:
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Veronica wore:
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Cheryl wore:
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And Toni wore:
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We were all going in Jughead's car because he was the one who lost the bet and could have any alcohol so he was the only one who could drive
—Third person— (2 hours after arriving at the woods) Cheryl and Toni were drunk Archie was nearly drunk Kevin was trying to see if anything was going on between Betty and Jughead And Veronica was trying to keep her clothes clean ,as it was one of her favourite outfits, as well as helping Kevin to see if anything was happening between Betty and Jug. Betty was sat on the fallen tree Jughead next to her, she was shivering her ears cold. Jughead- "Betty are you okay?" Betty- "my ears and face are just a little cold" Jughead-"here bets why didn't you just say?" He took his beanie off, ran his fingers through his hair and placed it on Betty's head
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Veronica looked at them and tiled her head. Kevin whispered "awww" and stared at them Archie tapped Cheryl and Toni on the shoulder and they all stared at them... Until Betty said "Guys were just friends knock it off" Cheryl-"yeah because he lets everyone wear his beanie" Jughead-"She's cold and I don't want her getting ill" Veronica-"awww" Betty-"moving onnn..." Archie-"How about a game of truth and dare and if you pick truth you also have to drink a whole bottle of this weird alcohol" Cheryl-"that's actually not a bad idea" Jughead-"yeah because your not on drinking ban for the night" Kevin-"you have to do two truths" Jughead-"fine alright" They all sat down around the fire in this order Jughead Betty Veronica Kevin Archie Toni Cheryl
Cheryl went first- "truth"ten she drank the whole beer in her hand Archie-"who do you like the most apart from Toni" Cheryl-"Betty my sweet cousin" she smiled Toni went second-"dare" Kevin-"I dare you to kiss Cheryl" Toni and Cheryl kissed Archie-"dare" Kevin-"I dare you to kiss Ronnie" Archie and Ronnie kissed quickly Kevin-"dare" Jughead-"I dare you to yell your first crush" Kevin-"TREV" Veronica-"dare" Archie-"sing everything you say for the next round" Veronica-🎶oookayyyy🎶 Jughead-"dare" Toni-"I dare you to... show me everything in your wallet" Jughead-"truth" Toni-"you already chose dare" Veronica-"what you hiding?" Jughead-"FINE" He pulled this wallet out of his pocket
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Veronica-"oooh fancy Jughead, now unlock it" Jughead sighed-"okay" He unlocked it and inside was money, his driving licence, his bank cards and ...
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He quickly snatched the picture before anyone saw and threw it into the fire so no one would see it. Toni-"what was that??" Jughead-"just an embarrassing old photo" Veronica-"yeah okay" It was Betty's turn-"erm I pick dare" Archie-"your not drunk enough, u dare you to drink 4 beers" She drank all 4 beers as quick as she could Betty-"happy?" They continued playing truth or dare and Betty mainly picked truths so she had drank lots. When the all got in the car Betty and Veronica were sat right at the back. Betty lay her head on Veronica's shoulder and whispered, "v you know that thing Jughead threw in the fire" Veronica whispered back-"yeah" Betty-"it was a picture of me" she smirked and giggled Archie-"what are you laughing at" Betty-"nothing" Veronica-"why did he have a picture of you?" Betty-"don't tell anyone but we are dating" she giggled again Jughead looked and smiled at his girl and her infectious laugh 😏 Betty fell asleep in her seat so after Jughead dropped everyone off at their houses he went to his trailer and carried Betty inside bridal style, knowing that her mom wouldn't accept her being this drunk. He undressed her put his beanie from her head in the drawer and then put Betty's favourite of Jughead jumpers on her. He undressed himself and then they he lay in his bed, his arms wrapped around her and their bodies touching. Jughead-"goodnight my love" Betty-"goodnight nugget" He laughed at his new nickname but he loved it.
It's bigger than the other ones hope you have enjoyed 854 words