Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
B E T T Y. P O V. I had just broken up with Jughead, my heart aches and I just wanted to cry. I know that right now this is the right thing to do. A relationship is based on trust, without that you have nothing. I know I love Jughead, an if it's meant to be we will be together again, but he didn't trust me. And he said one of the things he knew I didn't like, that once Archie said he liked me I would stop 'slumming it' with Jug. Before I knew it, tears were rolling down my face and then I fell asleep, exhausted from silently crying into my pillow.
—the next day— —school— I woke up to my alarm ringing. My pillow is damp, then I remembered what happened last night. I know I was the one who broke up with him but I needed time to think. I jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. I look horrible, I've had no sleep so I've got dark bags under my eyes and I have no energy trying to look nice today. So I shove this on.
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Ripped jeans, that were stuffed at the back of my closet, black and white converse and my comfiest hoodie, my Nike one. I tie my hair up in the ponytail, like always, it's the easiest hairstyle because I'm so used to doing it. I make some pancakes and waffles before heading off to school.
—Third person— —school lounge— Betty walked in to the school lounge still eating the last part of her waffle. Only Veronica and Kevin where there. Veronica-"omg B you look terrible!" Betty-"Thanks?" Kevin-"What's wrong and don't lie to us" Betty-"I don't want to talk about it" Cheryl, Toni and Archie arrived. Cheryl-"Hey Guys, sweet cousin" Betty-"Hey..." Archie-"Betty what's up with you??" Toni-"You look like you haven't slept" Betty-"Rough night, you could say" Veronica-"Good way or bad?" Betty-"Horrible" Just as Betty finished saying "horrible" Jughead walked through the doors, looking just as tired as Betty did. Betty-"That's my cue to leave" Betty got up and walked past Jughead not making eye contact with anyone and Jughead singing and slapping his sides with his arms. Veronica-"Fill me in now" Jughead-"On what?" Archie-"Cleary something has happened" Jughead-"Don't want to talk about it" Kevin-"That's what Betty said" Cheryl-"But we need to know" Jughead-"I'm leaving" Jughead left the room and decided to ditch the rest of school. Veronica searched everywhere for Betty before finding her in the blue and gold. Her hands on the desk and her head rested on top of her hands. Veronica-"please tell me what's up" Betty showed Jughead the messages between her and Jughead last night. Then cried in to Veronica's shoulder Betty managed to get out a few words in between each cry-"Maybe.. I ... shouldn't... have broken... up... with him..." Veronica-"No B you totally did the right thing, he was in the wrong and he over reacted" Betty-"maybe I should apologise" Veronica-"he should apologise for all those nasty things he said to you!" Betty-"Yeah maybe your right"