Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
(2 weeks after Betty and Jughead made back friends after their breakup) (They still like each other and haven't been with anyone else)
T H I R D. P E R S O N. Cheryl decided to have a party because they are on a week break from school. Nearly all their whole year group is invited and Archie, Veronica, Toni, Kevin, Jughead and Betty are all definitely going. (At 5pm, time for the party) Archie and Veronica arrived together in a taxi, Kevin and Betty also went together in a taxi, Toni was already there and Jughead was dropped off my sweat-pea. Betty wore-
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Jughead wore this (but with beanie)-
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Veronica wore
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Archie wore-
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Toni wore
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Cheryl wore
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Kevin wore-
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At the party, Jughead and Betty drank as much alcohol as their friends allowed them too. They wanted to forget everything and just have one fun night since they broke up. Betty went to find Jughead, she wanted to tell him that she still had feelings for him. Jughead went to find Betty, he wanted to tell her that he still had feelings for her. Betty, ran into Jughead by accident, she was trying to find him as fast as she could. Jughead-"I've been looking for you" He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into the nearest room, she giggled. Betty-"I've been looking for you too, allllllllll night." They both laughed, and fell on the floor. He put his hand on hers. Jughead-"I never stopped loving you Betty Cooper, I don't think I ever will" Betty-"I love you too! It was a mistake to break up, I have missed you so much" Jughead-"How about we talk about this in the morning" For the rest of the night, Betty was sat on Cheryl's kitchen counters laughing and flirting with Jughead. Jughead was stood in between her legs, flirting with her too.
V E R O N I C A. P O V. I saw Jughead and Betty flirting with each other and went to find Kevin. Veronica-"Kevin follow me but you'll have to be quiet and hide" Kevin-"Okayy?" I took him to where Jughead and Betty was, in Cheryl's kitchen, away from everyone else. Kevin-"Look how cute they are!" We both went to find Cheryl, Toni and Archie and brought them to see what we saw. Cheryl-"They are so sweet!" Toni-"Totally" Kevin-"How drunk are they though" Archie-"So drunk that they won't remember this in the morning" Veronica-"But still, look at them, their each other's soulmates" Everyone continued looking at them with hear eyes until Betty jumped down from the counter top. Veronica-"Quick let's go before they notice us"
J U G H E A D S. P O V. Me and Betty was flirting in Cheryl's kitchen all night, until she jumped down from the counter and then whispered to me Betty-"How about we get away from this party?" I whispered back-"yeah okay, my place?" She nodded slightly. We waited for a taxi to come and then sat in the back of the car, laughing and touching each other flirtatiously. When we finally arrived at my trailer we ran in and I pushed her up against the wall, kissing her neck and lips and then taking off her outfit and his own clothes. (You can tell where this went)
Hope you enjoyed Sorry about spelling or grammar mistakes 574 words