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T H I R D  P E R S O N

Betty walked down the stairs and towards the door when she saw Veronica sat on a bench swing on the porch. She smiled and sat down next to her.

Betty:"Hey V"
Veronica:"Hey B"

Betty laughed and Veronica looked at her confused.

Betty:"We're matching!"
Veronica:"Oh yeah, I've hardly wore this since we bought them so I thought I'd bring it"
Betty:"Me too!"
Veronica:"Morning Anyways"
Betty:"Morning. How are things with you and Arch?"
Veronica:"Good actually, I really like him"
Betty:"I'm happy for you V"
Veronica:"What about you and Jug? You seem really happy"
Veronica:"Whats wrong?"
Betty:"Nothing really... I really love him and I know he loves me too but there's something he's hiding from me and I can't quite make out what?"
Veronica:"Maybe Arch knows?"
Betty:"I'm not sure, why would Archie know?"
Veronica:"Because Jughead came to speak to him last night"
Betty:"Do you know what about, because I don't"
Veronica:"No I don't, sorry"
Betty:"It's okay. Let's just not talk about it"
Veronica:"Are you sure, it seems like it's bothering you"
Betty:"Yeah I'm sure, it's probably nothing anyways"

They smiled at each other and lay next to one another, laughing and talking about random things.

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