Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
—Third person— After Betty and Jughead finished their little 'session' in the janitors closet, they arrived at lesson. Veronica-"what did Weatherby want with you?" Betty-"no idea" Veronica-"what do you mean where was you then?" Betty-"Me and Jug just wandered around for a while" Veronica-"oooolala" Teacher-"everyone stop talking and get back to your work" Veronica whispering-"saved again B"
—Group chat— Kevin-Who's here? Toni-me Cheryl-me Veronica-me Archie-me Kevin-where's Bughead? Archie-Betty's not in her room Cheryl-why? Toni-I know why... look what I just saw through Jughead's trailer window😯
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Kevin-hmm MY BUGHEAD SHIP IS SAILING Archie-let's spam until they answer Archie-BUGHEAD Veronica-BUGHEAD Kevin-BUGHEAD Toni-BUGHEAD Cheryl-BUGHEAD Cheryl-BUGHEAD Toni-BUGHEAD Kevin-BUGHEAD Veronica-BUGHEAD Kevin-BUGHEAD Archie-BUGHEAD Archie-BUGHEAD Archie-BUGHEAD Jughead-What's up? Toni-Soo you and Betty huh? Kevin-MY HEART Jughead-It was one kiss Veronica-Yeeeeahhh Jughead-Alright maybe it was a few but they didn't really mean anything Cheryl-Where is Betty? Jughead-Erm Archie-...?? Jughead-She's just left actually Toni-I'm right outside she hasn't left at all Kevin-Omg are you lying to us Jughead-No I'm kidding she's asleep she was tired Archie-after your heated make out session?? Cheryl-😂😂 Jughead-Well, after our KISS, I told her to take a nap because I don't want her getting grumpy Toni-Awww Jughead-Omg she's up now, if I don't answer it's because she's killed me Archie-Or because your having sex (Everyone)-Ahahhaha (30 minutes later) Toni-back at it, now no clothes allowed
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Betty-Jeudhebdbdhdn Jughead-she may or may not be a little drunk now Toni-I love drunk Betty Veronica-^^ Archie-^^^^ Betty-Juggiekissykissylipslipskrjjjej Jughead-erm bye Kevin-Wait.. Veronica-did she just say JUGGIE KISSY KISSY LIPS LIPS ????????? Kevin-ITS TRUE
—Later on Betty PoV— I wanted a night out with my friends, where I could tell everyone about me and Jughead and to be honest I was already a little drunk😂 —ggroup chat— Betty-heyeey Veronica-Hey b Betty-let's all go out Cheryl-that actually doesn't sound too bad Toni-I'm in Cheryl-me too Veronica-yep I am Betty-Yay Kevin-I'm in Archie-yep Jughead-Sure
Everyone was meeting at Cheryl's, we had planned to go to the swimming hole as it was a really hot day today and it was only 5 o'clock so it was still bright out. We also decided that we would have just a few drinks. Kevin couldn't drink because he lost the bet this time. Toni wore
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Veronica wore
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I wore
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And Cheryl wore
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The boys just wore their swim shorts.
—Third person— —on way to swimming hole— Betty and Veronica were sat together again, at the very back. In front of them were Cheryl, Toni and Archie then Kevin and Jughead were at the very front.
They soon arrived at the swimming hole. Betty and Jughead were sat taking about how they were going to tell everyone. Cheryl, Toni, Archie and Cheryl were either swimming or dancing to the songs Cheryl played from her speaker. Betty-"can everyone come over here" They all came over, dried themselves off and sat down near Betty and Jughead Betty-"Guys I have something I need to tell you" Jughead-"Betts?" Cheryl-"what is it cousin?" Betty-"Me and .." she couldn't finish her sentence so Jughead finished it for her Jughead-"Were dating" Veronica-"I already knew but congrats" Cheryl-"I'm so happy for you guys" Toni-"same here" Kevin-"aww Bughead" Archie-"happy for you both"
Hope your enjoying this I don't know if I like writing it anymore though😞 Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes 646 words .