Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
B E T T Y S P O V I wake up, naked in my bed when I feel heat coming from next to me. I turn around and see Jug, he's still sleeping. Then I remembered what happened last night and I smile at the thought of it. I missed him so much, but we keep breaking up and it's not normal? Jughead:"Hey Betts you up?" Betty:"Yeah I am, we have school in an hour" Jughead:"Oh Yeah shit I have to get home so I can change" Betty:"Okay Bye" He quickly dressed and then jumps out of my window, waving goodbye to me.
I try not to think about Jughead too much as I shower quickly and dress into this outfit...
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...as it's really sunny today and this outfit is quite cute.
I walk to school, stopping for a Starbucks drink
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I pick up a caramel frappe for Ronnie because I know she loves them then I continue to walk to school
T H I R D P E R S O N S C H O O L L O U N G E (they are all friends with SweetPea and Fangs now) Betty made her way into the student lounge, sipping her drink and holding V's in her other hand. Veronica, Archie, Cheryl, Toni, SweetPea, Fangs and Kevin were all sat on the sofas, chatting about random things. Veronica:"BETTY!" Betty:"Morning to you too" Veronica:"Why do you have two drinks?" Betty:"Oh Yeah.." She passed the drink to V Betty:"One is for... you" Veronica smiled slightly as they both went to sit back down on the sofas Cheryl:"Hey B" Kevin:"Morning" Archie:"Hey" Betty:"Morning all" Toni:"Why are you so happy?" Fangs:"I mean your always happy But today your... extra happy" Betty couldn't hide the smile on her face Betty:"No reason" She shook her head playfully Cheryl:"Now we know your lying... SPILL!" Betty:"Spill what?" Veronica:"Is it a boy?" Archie:"Is it Jug?" Kevin:"Oh Yeah are you two back together?" Fangs:"Or did you just sleep together" Toni:"Oooorrr...." Veronica:"Is it the mysterious Cameron" Cheryl:"With your matching tattoos on your feet" Betty:"Wait! Who told you about that?" Cheryl:"Jughead did" Veronica:"So are you going to tell us or not" Betty:"It's so sunny outside" They all chuckled at Betty's playfulness SweetPea:"Are you going to ignore us then" Suddenly Betty revived a text, making her smile. She peered at the phone, trying to hide it from everyone, her smile widening as she saw who it was from... Jughead.
Jughead:Hey Betts x Meet me in the Blue and Gold and make sure no one follows you. I love you see you soon.
Cheryl:"Whose that?" Kevin:"Why are you hiding it?" Betty:"I erm have to go" Everyone now had a concerned but happy look on their faces. Betty:"Bye" She jumped up from where she sat, joyfully and then made her way to the Blue and Gold, making sure that no one was following her.
S T U D E N T L O U N G E Cheryl:"Someone has made her a happy girl" She smirked whilst saying this. Veronica:"At least I got a free drink out of it!" Kevin:"Why did she get you a drink?" SweetPea:"And not anyone else?" Veronica:"Because we are besties and are you jealous of my drink" They all laughed Toni:"Wheres Jughead?" Archie:"Bughead rekindling?" Fangs:"Wow Archie you know that word?" They all laughed again as Archie shook his head Veronica:"Whatever or whoever has done this to Betty at least she is happy" Cheryl:"Yeah I'm happy for her" Toni:"Me too" Fangs:"Me three" SweetPea:"Me four" Archie:"I agree" Kevin:"Same But still curious"
B L U E A N D G O L D Betty walked in to the room, locking the door behind her and jumping up to sit on the desk. Jughead:"Can we talk about last night" Betty:"Yeah sure" Jughead:"I mean I'm happy that we did it, I don't regret what happened do you?" Betty:"No of course not Jug" Jughead:"Are we back together now or what?" Betty:"I don't know, I mean it's not normal for us to keep arguing like we do" Jughead:"I understand" Betty:"i was thinking that we just take a week break that's it. We can think about what we want from this relationship and then when we come back together, we will be better than ever" Jughead:"I know what you mean, I agree. I still love you and I always will do whats a week?" Betty:"Exactly, And I will always love you too" Jughead:"One last kiss?" Betty:"Ofcourse" Jughead walked slowly towards Betty and then kissed her passionately. Betty:"Go into the student lounge and ask where I am" Jughead:"Why?" Betty:"Just do it" Jughead:"Okay okay, bye" Betty:"Byeee"
S T U D E N T L O U N G E Jughead walked into the student lounge and flopped onto a chair Jughead:"Hey Wheres Betty?" Kevin:"So it's not him" Jughead:"Whats not me?" Cheryl:"Betty's... too happy" Jughead:"Is that even possible?" Cheryl:"Yeah she was practically skipping" Jughead:"Really?" He smirked, knowing that the night they had spent together caused her happiness.