Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
T H I R D P E R S O N T I M E S K I P When Jughead finished getting his things ready, he went straight to Betty's house and climbed up to her window. Jughead:"Hey there Juliet" Betty:"Jug? What are you doing here aren't we supposed to be meeting at Kev's?" Jughead:"Yeah But I wanted to see you first away from everyone else" Betty:"Why?" Jughead:"So I can do this" He cupped Betty's face and pulled her in for a loving and passionate kiss. Betty:"Well I'm happy you came here first" Jughead slumped down onto Betty's bed. Jughead:"Have you finished packing yet?" Betty:"No I can't choose my outfits" Jughead:"Want some help?" Betty:"Yes" Jughead walked into Betty's closet and picked out these outfits....
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(for this next one the jacket is Jughead's)
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Betty:"But that's your jacket" Jughead:"I know but you will look good in it" Betty blushed slightly and kissed his cheek. Then she picked up her pyjama set and put it into her bag with the rest of the outfits and then zipped it up. Jughead:"Where are my spare clothes Betts?" Betty:"Over there in erm... that drawer. Why?" Jughead:"I was searching for a top and I couldn't find it. I want to see if it's here anddd.... oh it is" Betty:"Most of your clothes are here" Jughead:"Do you not want them here?" He put his hand over his heart and acted hurt. Betty:"Oh shut up" He laughed and slipped the shirt into his bag before grabbing Betty by the hips and pulling her towards him. Betty giggled and he smiled at her, his eyes flickering to her lips. It was like she could read his mind because she pressed her lips onto his passionately. Jughead:"I love you" He muttered into the kiss. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes. Betty:"I love you too" They kissed again quickly, as the two made their ways down the stairs and to Kevin's.
Veronica was already there, sat on the couch with Kevin when she text Betty.
V + B P R I V A T E C H A T V:are you at Kevin's already? B:Me and Jug are nearly there now, why? V:You are coming together? Doesn't Jughead live on the other side of town? B:He just wanted to speak to me before we came to Kevin's V:Speak or kiss B:No comment V:Kevin says to tell you that your goals B:Tell Kevin I said thanks
Veronica:"She said thanks" Kevin:"Tell her to hurry up because we've not got all day"
V:He says hurry up aswell B:We are litterally nearly at the door now V:Coming.
Veronica opened the door to reveal Betty on Jughead ads back. She was laughing at him and he was smiling as she played with a piece of hair that fell out of his beanie.
Veronica:"Okay lovebirds hurry up" Jughead rolled his eyes and Betty laughed as they walked into Veronica's house.
Cheryl and Toni had already packed and made their ways to Kevin's house, they were walking. Cheryl:"I have a bad feeling about this trip" Toni:"Why babe?" Cheryl:"I don't know I just feel it in my stomach. Is that weird?" Toni:"No I think it's cute that you worry" Cheryl:"I don't worry" Toni:"You do. Your worrying about everyone because you have a bad feeling about the trip" Cheryl:"Okay Maybe I do a little... little though" Toni:"Yeah... little" Cheryl:"I love you TT" Toni:"I love you too" They kissed before entering Kevin's house.
SweetPea, Fangs and Archie arrived a short time after Cheryl and Toni. They all started off walking separate ways but unintentionally met up on the street before Kevin's. Archie:"SweetPea! Fangs!" Fangs:"Oh... hey?!" SweetPea:"Sup" Archie:"You excited for the trip?" Fangs:"Yeah, nice to get away from the Serpents" SweetPea:"Yeah sometimes it is. And just Riverdale you know what I mean?" Archie:"Yeah But Before we start this deep meaningful conversation that will probably last hours I should probably tell you that we are standing outside Kevin's door" They laughed as they knocked on the door and walked inside.
Kevin decided that they would take his fathers van. It had enough seats to fit everyone in. Kevin and Archie sat in the front. Cheryl, Toni and Veronica sat behind them. SweetPea and Fangs behind them. And Jughead and Betty on the very back.