Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
—Betty PoV— I woke up with a headache and a bad hangover. At first I didn't know where I was but I soon realised that I was in Juggie's bed. This was the second night in a row I had slept over. I felt a strand of his hair tickle my forehead, so I tilted my head upwards and saw him still asleep. For a while, I stared at his face admiring each and every single one of his features, from his cute dimples to his freckles. Until suddenly I was snapped out of my gaze when he said, Jughead-"hey beautiful good morning" His cute morning voice made my stomach flutter and made me feel warm Jughead-"I have morning breath but I want to kiss you" I jumped up on his lap and said... Betty-"if you don't mind then I don't" He pressed his lips against mine then kissed my neck passionately leaving little marks, then I kissed his upper chest doing the same to him. We was soon interrupted by my phone ringing but I decided to leave it and that I would go and get dressed. Betty-"Jughead I need to get ready and I don't know what I am going to wear to cover these!" Jughead-"do you not like them?" Jughead-"and you've left them on me too look!" He showed me the marks I left Betty-"but you can cover yours!" Jughead-"I think they look nice" He smirked at me, kissed my forehead and I giggled at him. Then, I finally put a hoodie on (so it would cover the marks Jughead had left) and shoved my leggings and trainers on as well.
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This was my outfit, it wasn't really my style as I normally wore pastel sweaters, but my style had changed a little recently and this was the only thing that would cover the marks.
—1 hour later— —Third person— —school lounge— After Jughead and Betty arrived at school, they walked straight to the student lounge, where Veronica, Kevin, Archie, Cheryl and Toni all sat. Veronica ran up to Betty almost immediately. Veronica-"Betty I've been ringing you where have you been??" Betty-"what do you mean V?" Archie-"how come you've not been sleeping in your room these past few days" Betty-"Why was you looking through my window in the first place?" She said jokingly Cheryl-"trying to change the subject are we now??" Kevin-"why did you two arrive here together??" Veronica-"are you guys dating?" Betty-"woah guys I came here for school not an interrogation!" Archie-"WOAH! WAIT!" Jughead-"What Archie?" Archie-"why's Betty not wearing anything pastel or even colourful she's wearing all black shades" Toni-"with baggy top" Betty just smirked and covered her mouth with her hand so that no one could see her. Betty-"again with the interrogation guys? I just felt like wearing this today" Veronica-"B??" Betty-"Yesss??" Veronica-"Is that a hickey on your neck?" Kevin-"is that why you wore a hoodie so you could cover it?" Toni-"maybe this is linked to why Betty and Jughead arrived together" Betty-"no it is not a hickey... it is... a erm bruise I fell last night and you guys have wild imaginations don't ya?" Veronica-"OMG B I JUST REMEBERED WHAT YOU TOLD ME LAST NIGHT IN THE CAR!!!!" Betty-"Omg please V don't" Jughead whispered to Betty-"Did you tell her" Betty whispered back-"Yeah I'm sorry" Kevin-"Can someone tell us what is happening here?" Betty-"I can't be bothered with all your questions so I'll answer just 3!" Archie-"where have you been sleeping?" Betty took a deep breath-"Jughead's and before you say anything it was just as FRIENDS I can't be bothered with my mum right now" Cheryl-"okay, why are you not wearing anything that you normally wear?" Betty-"This is just more comfy" Veronica-"show us your hickeys or 'bruises' as you like to call them so we can see if they are actually bruises or not" Speaker, Principal Weatherby- Can Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones report to the principals office Toni-"Saved by the bell" Betty quickly flashed her love bites to annoy everyone but she did it fast enough so that no one could see what they really were then she smiled and walked to the principals office.
Principals Weatherby-"Oh sorry Mr Jones, Miss Cooper, we do not need you any more it was a false alarm." Jughead-"oh okay" They walked out and as they walked past the janitors closet Jughead pulled himself and Betty inside Betty-"can't keep your hands off me can you Juggie" Jughead-"How about we act like we were in Weatherby's office and instead we have some fun of our own in here" Betty-"that sounds good to me" Jughead and Betty kissed then he made more marks on his neck and then they both had a quick sex session.😂
Sorry that it was so boring Also I apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes 846 words.