Bughead scenes
Some choni
Some varchie
Maybe some veggie/varchie?
Might be some cheronica?
Text scenes
Instagram scenes
Snapchat scenes
And the actual story
It all started on a summer weekend with the group chat Veronica made...
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Took a little trip, last week @BettsCooper 350 likes Comments are disabled —————————————————— @BettsCooper
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🔆🍃🌻🌼 @JugheadJones 500 likes Comments are disabled (I don't know if these are in the same place but if they aren't just act like they are😂) —————————————————— Kevin made a group chat Kevin added Cheryl, Toni, Veronica and Archie Kevin-Guys look at Jughead's and Betty's recent Instagram posts Cheryl-Looking now Toni-^^ Archie-I don't get it Veronica-They are in the same place!! Cheryl-They took a trip together!! Toni-They are definitely back together Kevin-Also have you noticed that Betty's Instagram name is what Jughead calls her all the time? Archie-Oh Yeah Veronica-True love Kevin-Just hacked in Betty's phone Toni-Omg that's so cool! Cheryl-But also kinda creepy Kevin-Anyways, look at this picture
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Cheryl-aww Toni-^^ Toni-They've just arrived at Jughead's trailer on his motorbike!! Cheryl-Everyone go to Toni's trailer quick Toni-babe!
T H I R D. P E R S O N. —10 minutes later— —Toni's trailer— Everyone had arrived at Toni's trailer, just as Betty and Jughead were inside Jughead's. Kevin-"This is just like old times" Veronica-"I guess it kind of is" They continued to look through Jughead's window, Jughead and Betty sat on his sofa and what looked like, them sitting as far apart as they could.
J U G H E A D S. P O V. I looked through my window and saw everyone looking at us. I had a plan. Jughead-"Don't look now, but everyone is looking at us though Toni's trailer window, I don't think that they know, that we know they are there😂" Betty-"okayyy.... I kind of understood that" Jughead-"Anyways I have an idea" Betty-"Oooh I'm intrigued" Jughead-"Right act like we are arguing, then you slap me and walk out and go home, don't worry we can video call when you get home" Betty-"This will get them back for trying to spy on us" We both tried our hardest not to laugh, then started the plan.
V E R O N I C A S. P O V. We all stood in Toni's trailer, cramped up together so that we could all look through the window. We watched as Betty and Jughead stood up, it looks like they are arguing. Kevin-"they look like they are having a really bad argument" We continued to watch, as Betty brought her hand up and slapped Jughead's face! Toni-"Ouch that look like it hurt" Archie-"he must have said something really bad, she never slaps anyone" We still watched in confusion, as Betty barged past Jughead and stormed out of his trailer, looking like she was going to cry. Veronica-"Omg should we go out and help her?" Cheryl-"No we can't she'll know we was watching them!" Archie-"What are we going to do then she looks like she's going to cry!" Cheryl-"Honestly don't because she won't want to talk to us because we've basically followed them" Everyone agreed with Cheryl, I suppose she was right. I mean she is Betty's cousin and she has known her for like ever. (In this they knew they were cousins from the start) Cheryl-"trust me I want to help her just as much as you, But this is what's best"
Group chat Betty-I need to speak to you... Jughead-Yeah we need to speak to you... Veronica-Are you okay? Betty-There's something you need to know... Kevin-JUST GET TO THE POINT AND TELL US Kevin-Sorry caps was on Archie-What do you need to tell us Jughead-😭😭 Betty-😭😭😭😭 Cheryl-Say it already Jughead-Betty's pregnant Betty-And Jughead doesn't want to help me raise the baby Toni-Dick Cheryl-Idiot Veronica-Don't talk to us Jughead Archie-HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY BEST FRIEND Kevin-I thought you were better than this Jughead-😂😂 Veronica-What's so funny about betty having to raise a baby by herself at 16? Veronica has removed Jughead from the group chat Betty-Veronica! Veronica-He deserved it, im never talking to him again Betty added jughead to the group chat Jughead-Omg your so gullible Betty-^^ Jughead-You really believe that I would leave Betty to raise a baby by herself Betty-I'm not pregnant and we wasn't arguing before we did it to get back at you guys for following us Veronica-Omg Kevin-I was totally starting to hate Jughead aswell Cheryl-^^^^ Toni-I was actually going to find a way to get Jughead to be kicked from the serpents as well. Jughead-It's nice to see how protective you are of betts though😂 Betty-^^^^^^ Archie-Alright so know we know that Jughead isn't a selfish idiot, are you guys back together Betty-No sorry Jughead-Just friends Kevin-What really?? Betty-Yeah Cheryl-I still can't believe how bad you got us Betty-😂😂 Veronica-Your really not back together? What about that trip you took? Jughead-We really aren't together Betty-And it was a friends trip Archie-Yeah right Jughead-Yep Kevin-No more bughead? Betty-Bughead friend ship Jughead-^^^