' You Again'

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Garibaldi and co.^

Alicia P. O.V.

It was Monday morning and my first day working at my new job.
To say I was nervous was an understatement.
I got up half and hour earlier to take a shower and do my hair. I wore my hair down straight, with eyeliner,mascara,dark plum lipstick, and I did my eyebrows.
I wore a simple blouse and skirt with flats, I can't stand heels.
Since traffic is heavy on Monday mornings I decided to leave early.
It wasn't hard to catch a cab at 7:00 and I didn't start work until eight so I decided to stop by a Starbucks and walk the rest of the way to work .
" Hi! What can I get you?" A cheery little blonde girl asked me politely behind the register.
" Hi, can I get a plain black coffee with cream please." I said back smiling to her.
" Your total is 4.75." She said while typing onto the register .
I handed her a five and waited for my order .
Once my drink was done I walked to work which took me about twenty minutes.
This building was huge. People were everywhere and I was completely lost. I saw a receptionist at her desk so I approached her .
" Hi, today's my first day working here.." I said a little apprehensive .
" hello! You must be Alicia! I'm MaryAnn but everyone just calls me Mary." she said sweetly shaking my hand.
I shook her hand and smiled.
" So, you're Mr. Garibaldi's new main secretary so to get to his office you'll walk straight and then take a left onto the elevator and ride all the way up to floor 7. His office has the big wooden oak doors. He's expecting you. have a nice day!" She smiled.
I thanked her and began walking towards the elevator.
Thankfully, I was the only person in the elevator.
I started getting butterflies in my belly, what if I get fired on my first day, or mess up.
Shut up Alicia.
I finally got to floor 7 and I knocked on my new boss's door with my tiny fist.
" Come in!" A deep voice yelled from the other side.
My hands were shaking as I twisted the doorknob, I walked in and closed the door behind me .
I looked up into a very familiar face.
Mr. Cocky giraffe.

Oh shit.

Leonardo P.O.V.
It was her. The same sassy, curvy, and very sexy woman I had bumped into the other day.
How could I be so careless, I mean I didn't know someone as rude as her could be hired as my new secretary.
Sure, she's sexy as hell, but very smart in the mouth. I realized I was gaping at her so I decided to speak up.
" Please, sit down." I motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs in front of me. I took that time to analyze her, well analyze her body.
Damn, she was killing it . I always had a taste for chocolate but never to this extent .
" I'm Alicia Clark." She smiled while offering her hand to me . I took it and shook it gently,her hands were really soft.
" So, you're my new secretary, well here are my rules.
1. Never be late to work.
2. Don't question me.
3. If you're dating another worker, keep it out of the office.
4. No disrespect .
Got it?" I asked her raising my left brow.
" Yes sir." She said while looking me in the eye.
" Alright, let me show you to your office." I said standing up to my full height of 6'4.
She let me lead the way to her office which was right next to mine.
" Alright, I'll have all your work faxed over to your computer within five minutes." I said rubbing my hands together and walking away.

Alicia P.O.V.
It sucks that my first day of work I'm already attracted to my boss.
I looked around my office.
It was NICE . The theme was all white with black throw pillows and I had an amazing view of the city.
I put my things down and started to get to work.
It's my first day and this job was hard. He already had me scheduling meetings and contacting partners for future business deals .
I needed the money though so I wasn't going to complain.
My phone rung in the middle of an e-mail I was typing so I answered it.
" This is Alicia , how may I help you?" I added through the phone nicely as possible .
" This is Leonardo Garibaldi, your boss . I called you for a test run. Next time when you answer the phone say " Garibaldi and co. , This is Alicia, how may I help you? Got it? He asked with an attitude.
" Yes Mr. Garibaldi ." I said just as cold and hung up the phone.
Little Bitch.
Like, who you think you talking to Mr,.?
My first day and I'm already tired.
My phone rung again.
" Ms. Clark, see me in my office. Now. ." He said on the other line.
He sounded really serious and mad.
Oh shit.
I should've never hung up on him.


I have updated in a longgggg time so I decided I should.

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