The Truth Revealed

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Alicia P.O.V.
Tears started to well up in my eyes as I stood there hugging Leo, and I was so close to not telling him my secret. I then had to put selfishness to the side and put myself in Leo's shoes, and decided that lying would be the worst  possible thing.
What I was going to say next could possibly ruin any relationship I'll ever have with him, and I had to be content with that. The truth is inevitable, that we both know. 
" Leo, we should sit down, I have something important to tell you."
He smiled gently at me, not knowing how much it hurt me that it could possibly be the last time he ever smiled at me.
" What's up?" He asked, rubbing his hands on his knees in anticipation.  I decided to just cut to the point.
" Back when I was a teenager, I found out my father was in a mob. He did some very bad things I'm not very proud of.
He would always tell me that he had to " take care of some people" , and this happened more than once.
One person I overheard him talking about was a man named Georgio Garibaldi . Your uncle." I hesitated as I lifted my head up to look at Leo, who had a confused look on his face.
"My dead uncle." Leo said.
There was complete and utter silence between the two of us, my heart beating a thousand miles per hour, too afraid to look him in the eye.
" Continue." Leonardo said, this time his voice cold.
" Your uncle and my father had some sort of disagreements, and they were enemies. They despised each other-"
" Wait a minute, Alicia what are you saying?" Leo asked standing up, his face red with anger.
I gulped, trying to find the courage to finish what I had to say.
" Leonardo, my father killed your Uncle all those years ago,  I am so so sorry." I finished, not even trying to make eye contact out of shame.
" Look at me."
I looked up at Leonardo, to see tears rolling down his cheeks with red stained eyes.
" How long were you planning to keep this from me ?" He asked.
" I honestly don't know, I didn't think we would get this far. I really do have feelings For you, and I understand if you no longer have any for me." I finished  trying to keep myself together.

" All these years we grieved, thinking my uncle had made such a drastic decision and took his own life, to now find out that your father, took his life. I'm disgusted by looking at you, how dare you!!" He shouted.
He was right.
" I am sorry, but there was no way I could've controlled the actions of my father at such a young age. At the time I never knew that I would meet you or knew that you existed  , and I was scared, so scared. I can't apologize enough for what happened!!" I screamed too, near my breaking point. As much as it hurt,  I knew since the day I met Leonardo the truth would come out, I just didn't expect to fall for him.
He was quiet, and I took this as my sign   to leave.  There was a car waiting outside that would take me to my place, and I turned around and took one last glance at Leonardo Garibaldi , which would probably be my last.

Leo P. O. V.

My heart was torn, I could not believe all the stuff that just happened in a matter of minutes. I was now full of hate, at both Alicia and her coward of a father.
I am angry that she would keep this from me, I kept a secret too but hers involved a deceased family member of mine.
I wondered if anyone else in my family knew about this, I had so many questions but not enough answers.

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