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Throughout the whole day I sensed an awkward feeling, a block if you will, in our friend group. I understood why, I had reluctantly denied liking my roommate and close friends no boyfriend. No doubt, Ma'yu being the loud mouth she is no doubt told the other two. Lee Jing and Kun seemed reluctant to speak up while Ma'yu blabbed her mouth about nothing.

So while walking to class I lied to the group and told them I would head to the bathroom before class. I didn't. I headed up to the roof for some fresh air. I sighed happily, finally at peace. The cold ripping at my skin satisfyingly.

I stood there for awhile until I heard footsteps behind me, I didn't react, assuming it was a student doing the same thing I was, until I heard a familiar voice. "Its nice up here, isn't it?" Xiao Jun spoke. I nodded, ignoring my surprise at his presence. A small smile reached his lips. "What are you doing up here?"

"Thinking... just thinking"
"Want to talk about it?"

Yes, yes I did want to talk about it, Xiao Jun.


Chapter 16 will officially be the last chapter~

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