Share Lucas x Reader x Villager

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Another day in the mansion, you had decided to visit your two favorite kid smashers. Once you got to their shared room you could hear complaining.

"Let me have it Vill!"

"I told you not to call me that!" you open the door to see the two tugging at a teddy bear that looked like it could tear any minute.

"Stop, you guys are going to break it!" you yell getting their attention just in time. They both looked down in shame as you gently grabbed the poor bear out of their grasp.

"Now, what is going on here?"

"Lucas says that my teddy bear keeps him from nightmares."

"It does and he won't let me have it," Lucas whines.

"How about you two just share it?"

"We do but now it's my turn to sleep with it," you sigh and respond,

"It seems as though I need to hold on to this."

"No!" they screamed in union.

"Would you rather I take myself away from you two?" you asked trying to reason with them.

"No..." they say quietly with a slight blush. You giggled at their cuteness then got an idea.

"Hey, you guys want to spend some time at the park?"

"Sure," they say excitedly, almost forgeting they spoke in union.

"Stop copying me!"

"Come on you two," you say walking out the door.

-Time skip to the park-

"Alright guys we're here."

"Yay, we can play now?" Villager says running to the swings. Just then you feel a hand grab yours. You turn to the left and see Lucas stare at the ground with pink cheeks.

"Could you push me on the swing?"

"Sure," you say smiling.

"Me too (Y/n)!" Villager calls.

"Oh alright." After pushing both of them on the swings Villager decides to play on the equipment while you stay with slightly dizzy Lucas. "You ok Luke?" he looks up at you.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," he looks over at Villager who had his back to you guys. 'This is my chance.'

"Luke?" he then pushes his lips to yours taking you by surprise. You blush a deep red and were about to kiss back when,

"(Y/n)!?" you two look at Villager who was about to cry.

"Vill it's not-"

"I loved you first."

"Vill please-"

"Can't we share?" Lucas suddenly suggested. He took you both by surprise as he blushed.

"A-Are you sure?"

"It's better than having you took away from us."

"...Yeah that's true," Villager comes up to you and sits in your lap. Next thing you know his lips are on yours. After recovering from shock you finally hear the words you wanted to hear.

"I love you (Y/n)," they say in union. You smile then respond,

"I love you guys too."

(A/n: Hey everyone as you can see this story is back up in it's updates so if there is any request please tell me. Until next chapter bye.)

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