PSI Kids Ness x Reader x Lucas

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"(Y/n), will you go out with me?" Lucas asked bowing to you as he waited for an answer. That was the second time that day you've been asked that question, the first time being from Ness. You look at him confused knowing that he already knew you and Ness were together.

"Um Luke, I'm already taken," you say hoping that he won't get upset.

"I-I know, but I like you too."


"Please," his eyes glowed with hope as you think about what to say. To be honest you've like both PSI users secretly but you never had the confidence to say it in hopes of being with both of them.

"Oh, alright," you sighed, Lucas's eyes shined as he smiled. He hugged you tightly showing his affection towards you. You were going to hug him back but stopped when the door opened.

"(Y/n) I'm-" it was Ness and he froze when he saw Lucas holding onto you. "What the heck, Lucas?!"

"Ness, he was just asking me something?"

"Oh, then what was it?" Lucas hid behind you not wanting to repeat himself. "You want my (Y/n), don't you?"

"Um well..."

"Ness, he wants to know if he can be apart of our relationship."

"Like sharing you, no way."

"He might want to be with you too."

"What, I didn't-" you cut Lucas off by covering his mouth. Ness blushed slightly in thought.

"Are you sure Luke?" he asked looking away in embarrassment. You glanced at Lucas who was unsure of the situation.

'If it means being with (Y/n)...' he thought, "S-Sure," he says shyly. Ness looked at him then you.

"Alright, you're in."

(A/n: I tried going out my comfort zone a little with this, so hope you enjoy. Also my one shots with randomness will be back for the next chapter.)

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