Too blonde for you? Toon x Reader x Lucas

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Toon link and Lucas ran down the hall in a race to find you.

"Bet you I can get there first."

"Toon stop competing against people," Lucas whined trying to catchup with Toon link. Toon stuck out his tongue and speed up. You were just getting out your door way when...

"Look out!" Toon slammed into you making you both fall to the floor. Lucas stood in shock as Toon rose from your stomach. Once he realized what happened he stood up and apologized profusely. Once you sat up you look at the two confused.

"It was Toon's idea he wanted to race me."

"Well, if you had warned me I wouldn't have..." Toon paused looking at you for a brief second before turning his back toward you and muttering something under his breath. You sigh in irritation.

"Toon, if you have something to say then tell me."

"I-It's nothing BAKA," he says blushing out of embarrassment.

"You've been watching anime haven't you?"


After that little incident you decided to take the two for ice cream.

"Ooh Rocky road, my favorite," Toon says in awe.

"I just love strawberry ice cream."

"Since when is strawberry even popular?"

"Don't judge me," Lucas once again whines waving his arms up and down. You giggle at the blondes interaction as you ordered what they wanted along with you. You guys found a seat as soon as you got your treat.

"(Y/n) sit next to me," Lucas suggested patting the seat next to him. You look at Toon who looked just as hopeful as Lucas to have you sit next to him.

"How about we sit on the bench outside?" With little hesitation you guys decide to sit on the bench, you being in the middle of the two blonds seeing as though it was best for them. As you enjoyed your treat you felt a pair of eyes watch you intently. When you face your left Toon got embarrassed and went back to eating his ice cream awkwardly. You got the idea of teasing him so you stole a lick of his treat, making him squeal it shock.

"(Y/n), try some of mine," Lucas offered stretching out his arm for you to take a lick. You did without hesitation and offered some of yours to him. As Lucas took a lick of your ice cream you could hear Toon whine in disappointment.

"Would you like a lick Toon?" you asked, which Toon gladly accepted. After enjoying some delicious ice cream, you guys walked home hand and hand. As you walked you notice that Lucas was smiling while Toon seemed to stare at the ground. "Are ok Toon?" he slowly looked up at you then blushed.

"He's just thinking about you (Y/n)."


"Is that true?" Toon became flustered and started stuttering.

"N-No it's not, I mean it's not like I like you or something," he says playing with the front of his hair like a string.

"Well, I like you (Y/n)," Lucas says almost in a mumble.

"Thank you Lucas," you say with a smile.

"W-wait you heard that?"

"Of course," you say making him blush the color of his red stripes. You then feel someone tug you down to their level and kiss you. When you were released you realize it was Toon. "T-Toon..."

"Don't think much into it."

"Aww I wanted to kissed them~" you giggle at Lucas's reaction and give him a peck on the lips. He froze for a second before hugging you saying,

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," you look up to Toon who looked a bit jealous. You stretch out your free hand and ask, "Want to join?" with no hesitation, Toon accepted jumping into your arm.

(A/n: Hey everyone I am going to try and update as much as I can so you guys won't have to wait forever to read a new chapter, but please support this as much as you like and thank you for reading.)

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