showing love to others

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I'll be honest--I don't like being in my school's environment.

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that there aren't any good people at my school. In fact, there are a lot. I'm blessed to go to a school where there is a strong Christian community and a lot of people actually go to my church.

I'm thankful it's not as bad and dangerous as some schools I have heard of, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't feel comfortable with the atmosphere. 

It's judgmental. There's hate. People swear all the time and say disgusting things. However, that only made me realize that there are more people I can reach out to and show God's love to. 

Before the school year started, I asked myself, "how can I show God's love at school?"

Obviously I can't just stand in the middle of the hallway and shout "JESUS" at the top of my lungs. Well, I could, but no one would listen to me. 

So, I decided to do the most simple thing: be kind.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

- Luke 6:31

I know that I might not be able to help every single person at my school, but if I am kind to at least one person in my class, that will make a huge difference.  

Everyone is fighting a battle, so be kind to everyone you meet.

I started living by this motto more after one of my classmates committed suicide. No one saw it coming. I thought his life was good, but as it turns out, it wasn't. I believe that he needed someone in his life who was kind to him. Maybe things would've turned out different I don't know. 

I've said this before and I will say it again. No matter how annoying, mean, or rude a person is, I will be kind to them. I want God to show his love through me. I believe that simply being kind to someone can lead them to Christ. 

A few months ago, my mom told me how her friend found God through her. Her friend wasn't a strong believer when they met. She and my mom weren't very close, but they were still nice to each other. When her life started to fall apart, she turned to my mom because she knew my mom was a strong Christian. So, they went to church. 

My mom said that God saved her life. 

I've realized that simply being there for someone is one of the most comforting things in the world. If I can be a friend to everyone, maybe they will come to me when they find themselves in their storm and I can introduce them to God. 

If you are looking for a simple yet powerful way to show God's love through you, be kind to everyone you meet. Even just smiling at someone when you pass them in the hallway makes a big difference. 

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