happy easter!

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Happy Easter everyone!

I know right now everything is hectic with the pandemic, quarantine, and everything. It's so crazy to me. I completely forgot it was April until my friend reminded me a few days ago.

My family and I don't have many Easter traditions. When I was a kid, my extended family would put together an egg hunt, but we didn't do that today for obvious reasons. So, Easter celebration was mostly up to us.

I'll admit today was mostly like every other day quarantine has been like. Celebrating for me looked like listening to worship music and eating dinner with my family.

Traditions aren't what Easter is about though. Easter is about remembering what Jesus did for us centuries ago. Sometimes I still can't believe how everlasting His love is for me that he would torture himself and sacrifice himself for me. Me! I'm nobody special, but that only proves that Jesus loves me no matter who I am.

I'm not world famous, rich, or outspoken, but that doesn't matter to Jesus. Jesus loves us all! No matter what we do, that will never change how much Jesus loves us. I find that very comforting.

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord."
- Romans 8:39

I realize that not everyone is fortunate today to spend the day as I did. I just want to say that I am very sorry if you or a loved one is in the hospital right now because of COVID19 during this time. I'm praying for everyone affected by the virus and I'm hoping for a speedy recovery. I also want to thank all the doctors and nurses out there working for hours on end. Thank you for fighting for us, I appreciate you very much.

Again, happy Easter. I hope you found some joy in today because He is risen!

 I hope you found some joy in today because He is risen!

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