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Lucius Fox rubbed his eyes, stifling a yawn as he filed away the last of the legal documents from the deal he had just made with one of China's best bioengineering plants. His back cracked as he stretched, coaxing a low groan from him as he placed his glasses on.

The man wanted nothing more than to head home, to crawl under the covers of his bed and sleep for hours. But... Bruce wanted him to check on Bio-244 and he had agreed. Glancing at his watch, Lucius sighed again.

The older man walked out the door of his office, locking it quickly before continuing towards the elevator. Lucius hummed quietly as he pressed the code into the elevator, granting him access to the sub-levels beneath the Tower. Closing his eyes, the CEO relaxed in the elevator, letting his breathing even out as he took a quick nap.

The elevator doors opened all too quickly for the man and he reluctantly moved from his semi-comfortable position in the metal box. Lucius placed his thumb on the reader, opening his right eye as it scanned his pupil. He blinked, bringing back moisture as he walked through the automatic doors.

Stepping into another elevator, Lucius kept himself awake, tapping his foot impatiently as he thought about his bed again. Oh, how he wished he could go to sleep. Pushing down his thoughts, Lucius stepped onto sub-level 3's floor, walking briskly down the dark hallway. There was no need for lights, only making more work for Lucius because he would then have to turn them off as he left. The man had memorized where the lethal biochemical was, walking briskly down the hall.

"It better be worth checking this out, Bruce," Lucius grumbled, "I am missing out on some really good sleep time because of you." The man froze when he heard a sound, stopping in his tracks as he strained his ears to listen for another. Was someone else down here?

Lucius sped up his walk, turning around quickly before freezing at the sight. A boy. A small boy was standing in the hallway, - was he shaking? - how did he get here? Lucius walked up behind the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. The small figure flinched violently, trembling as Lucius turned him around. He quirked an eyebrow, wondering how a boy got into the sub-levels of Wayne Enterprises.

"Who are you?" Lucius asked. He tightened his grip, a gut feeling telling him the kid was dangerous, "What are you doing-"

"I need to borrow something," The boy squeaked and before Lucius could move he was thrown down the hall, the slap of tiny feet echoing as he found his bearings.

"Damn," Lucius breathed, groaning as he sat up. He pulled out a small device, pressing the button as he waited in thick silence, "C'mon Bruce, don't be busy with Him right now."


"Bruce. Or is it Him?" Lucius breathed, leaning his head against the wall as his vision swam.

"It's Bruce. What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Bruce's voice echoed in the silent hallway.

"I'm fine," Lucius chuckled, "Just got thrown into a wall, I'll survive."

"Lucius, you shouldn't roughhouse at your age," Dick's voice sounded from the small device.

"Hello, Dick, nice to know someone takes my age into account," Lucius chuckled again when he heard Dick laugh and Bruce huff, "I need you to come to sub-level 3."

"Why?" Bruce asked, seriousness taking over the small jokes that had ensued.

"Break-in. Little boy, about Dick's size," Lucius explained, "Said he wanted to 'borrow something'. I don't know what but I have a feeling it's Bio-244."

"On my way."

Lucius sighed, groaning as he stood. He was getting too old for this.


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