New Story To Read

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     I want to thank everyone who read A Small Ghost. You were wonderful and I'm grateful you chose to read my take on a YJ crossover. I would really love it if you all checked out my new story All Fall Down; an avengers high school alternate universe. If you don't want to search it up, you can just head straight to my profile and start reading. Here's the synopsis:

     Tony doesn't understand. He's somehow managed to intrigue the one group of people he never wanted to catch the attention of. He doesn't understand how he caught their eye, but he wished everything was back to how it used to be. With him sitting on the sidelines and them glaring him to oblivion. It was better that way. He's never had a family before, but these strangers seem adamant to include him into their small bubble. He doesn't know what he did, but he'd do anything to undo it. He's got secrets and a past he would never burden onto anyone psyche, but he can't account for every variable.
It's supposed to just be a stupid friend-crush.

     Again, I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out and supported me over there. You don't have to. If this story was enough of my work to satisfy you then I'd totally understand, but I do hope you give it a chance if you do check it out. 

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