Special - Early Days 107

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Danny huddled tighter in the corner of the dark room. He couldn't remember where he was, or how much time had passed. All he could remember was Jazzy and those weird people, then there was this big hole in his memory, and suddenly he was here, sitting in the dark for what seemed like forever. He didn't know where he was or who took him. He didn't know what he was supposed to be doing, if anything. It was cold, damp, and the incessant drip of water was beginning to annoy him. Danny jumped as the door opened, squeezing his eyes shut at the onslaught of white that attacked him. He squinted, barely making out the blurred figures coming toward him.

"W-Where's Jazzy, sirs?" He asked softly.

"No talking," one of them growled.

"Who are you? Where am I?" He panicked as a large gloved hand came toward him. "What are you doing!"

"I said no talking!" Danny yelped as his head spun with the force of the slap. He brought a hand to his stinging cheek, feeling the tears welling up as he sat in stunned silence. He wasn't ever hit.

"You hit me," he whispered in awe.

"I'll do plenty more than hit you if you don't shut the hell up. Now, get up and let's get going. You've delayed us enough, scum." Danny stumbled to his feet as one of them pulled his arm up. He gasped at the pain, pulling against the hand currently squeezing his forearm.

"Could you loosen up a bit, mister? You're holding my arm too-" Danny cried out as another slap came, eyes widening as he was jerked around. He gulped at the tiny space between him and the man. He stared into his dark eyes as he trembled.

"Stop talking before we have your tongue cut out. That's your last warning. Some much as a peep, and I'm going to make sure your first visit is as painful as they can make it. Do we have an understanding?"

"Ye-" Danny jumped as the man raised his hand. He hastily nodded, clasping his lips shut as he was pulled out of the room. He flinched at the white, closing his eyes tightly as he tried to keep himself from tripping over his feet. He bit his lip as he fell on one knee, faltering in his steps as the man yanked him up.

"Open your eyes." Danny frowned and pointed out where he assumed the walls were. He wouldn't be able to stand it either if he was in a dark room for who knows how long. All the white was nauseating and closing his eyes was the best he could do considering his circumstances that he still didn't fully understand. Where were his parents? Hopefully, they were helping Jazzy wake up because he couldn't get her up fast enough. Maybe they were making him another bowl of spaghetti. Just thinking about the taste of Jazzy's tomato sauce made his mouth water. He smiled sheepishly when his stomach growled. Thanks, Jazzy's amazing cooking. Now he was hungry.

"Open your eyes," the other man said, "or I'll open them for you." Danny's frown deepened and he crossed his arms. He wheezed at the sudden hit to his stomach. His eyes opened of their own accord as he tried to coax the air back into his lungs. The pain from opening his eyes almost doubled the discomfort in his chest and he retched. "Cool it, scum. Let's go."

They continued down the hallways - Danny reluctantly kept his eyes open - until they made it to a steel door. A keypad beeped as the man with a death grip on Danny's arm punched in a code. The gray door hissed open and they stepped through. Another man in a lab coat that had a peppered goatee looked at them and sighed as he cleaned something sharp with a napkin.

"You took your time," he drawled. His nearly black eyes settled on Danny and the boy averted his gaze. "Is this it? Put it on the table."

Danny flinched as he was pushed forward. He looked between the two men, trying to figure out what was happening as he was hoisted onto the hard metal table. He turned his head anxiously as they strapped his arms and legs down. He pulled against the restraints to test them, swallowing uneasily at the little give they had. His eyes widened as the men turned to leave him on the table.

"W-W-Where are you going?" He let out a dry laugh. "Y-You're not just gonna leave me on this thing, right? These straps are-"

"Doc, make this painful. The scum doesn't seem to realize what 'No talking' means here. Radio when you're done, as usual."

"Yes, sirs," Doc mocked as he rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't dream of making it pleasant for it. What's it's code?"

"D-114, chosen by yours truly." Danny strained his neck to see who was speaking.

"Sir," all three men said respectfully to someone in the doorway. Danny raised his brow as the man came into sight. He had dark orange eyes that seemed to brighten when he saw him on the table. He was fairly tall and lanky, his brown hair combed back neatly as if he were a businessman. That coupled with his fitted suit, he really looked like a businessman.

"Excuse me," Danny said in a small voice. He blushed as everyone turned to him. "Uh, c-could you loosen these a little? T-They're really tight."

The two men who brought him here parted to allow the tall man into the room, walking away quickly as soon as he was out of the doorway. The businessman strode over to him, his shoes clicking on the shiny linoleum. His orange eyes seemed almost demon-like as he grinned down at Danny. "Hello, D-114. I see you've been having trouble adjusting."

Who? "W-Who? My name is-"

The man pressed a hand over Danny's mouth, stopping him from talking and blocking any air flow into his nose with his long fingers. "You have no name. You are called whatever we would like to call you. Be happy I even took the time to come up with a code for you." The businessman stared at him until Danny gave him a small nod. He gulped down lungfuls of air until the room stopped spinning. Danny watched the man wipe his hand on the handkerchief in his breast pocket. Danny opened his mouth to ask a question but quickly pressed his lips together at the raised eyebrow from the businessman. The scientist stared on with a disinterested expression, cleaning each tool on his tray manually.

"I would advise that you do not speak, little one. It will not be pleasant for you," the man warned. "I'm sure you are confused, so I will do you the favor of answering the most basic questions. Who: the GIW. When: four days. Where: non-disclosed. Why: you are a halfa. The GIW prides itself in its methods of capturing and containing ghosts." Danny pressed his cheek into the table as the businessman walked toward him. He trailed a finger down his cheek, making Danny shiver as his heart jumped in his throat. "Though, we've never had a halfa," he whispered as his eyes took on a faraway look.

The man locked eyes with Danny and the boy flinched. The businessman cleared his throat and stepped away. He adjusted his suit jacket and took to the door. "Doc, take account that this is his first day. Do not be too easy on him. Give him a proper introduction to the GIW."

"W-Wait!" Danny shouted. He gulped as the businessman turned slowly, orange eyes burning as he stood in the shadowed doorway. His eyes almost seemed to glow like the dying embers of a fire. "W-What's your name?"

The man smirked and turned to leave. "Sir."

Danny winced as the door slammed behind the man. He barely had any time to process as a mask pressed onto his face. "Only today will this happen, and you'll only be slightly drugged. I want you to remember and feel," the scientist said.

"Feel what?" He slurred. His eyelids felt like weights and it took all his strength to keep them open. His tongue felt two times too large and he was breathing slowly, everything was slowed down. The scientist must've been done talking because the next thing Danny heard were screams. He looked at the scientist, trying to figure out where they were coming from. The man's mouth wasn't open. They were his screams.

He was screaming.

Everything crashed together and it went black.

"What's your name?"



The real chapter is next next week cause I was on a time crunch. Here's what it was like the first week, I guess, of Danny being at the GIW. Ominous.

See you next Friday.

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