XXXIII - Epilogue

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Sorry about the lack of an A/N last chapter. We're in the endgame now, kids. (heart is impaled with feelings and Avenger's PTSD)

I won't keep you waiting with a long A/N. Let the story commence!

Danny flexed his arm as Bruce tied a silicone tube around his elbow. He swung his legs and looked around the room dedicated to patching up injuries after patrol. Danny tensed at the smell of antiseptic, but Dick squeezed his hand and all his worries melted away. 

"He's just taking out the tracker," Dick assured. "There's nothing to worry about."

"He's right. If you hadn't told Dick, it'd make it that much easier for any agents from the GIW to find you." 

The surgical blade glinted in the overhead light and Danny's eyelids fluttered. He felt lightheaded as Dick tried his hardest to calm him down. His breath caught in his throat at the slight prick from the blade, the sound of ripping flesh reverberating in his head. 

"Hey, hey, just focus on me. Focus on me, okay?" Dick smiled when Danny met his gaze. "I was...we were wondering if you'd like to go to the Mountain and see the others. You don't have to, obviously, but I know some people who would love to see you."

"Really?" he chirped, his eyes alight with excitement as he gasped. "They want to see me?"

Dick chuckled. "Of course. I told you, no one wanted you to go. M'Gann has been bothering Wally," Dick lowered his voice, "though I really think it's on Conner's behalf. God, don't tell him I said that." Danny hummed as pent-up energy coursed through his body. "I'll take that as a yes. We'll leave as soon as your done here."

"We're done," Bruce said as he dropped the tweezers into a metal basin. Danny rubbed his arm as the man removed the tubing, sighing in relief when the pressure was gone. "Dick, go get ready. I'll send him up in a minute."

Dick gave Danny's back a pat as he hopped down. He waved as he bounced from the room. Danny grinned until he caught Bruce's gaze. "Did I do something?"

"No, I just need to clean the wound." Danny flinched slightly as Bruce wiped a cleaning pad over the precise cut. Bruce frowned and turned to throw away the pad. The two white rings washed over him as he took a controlled breath.

"Thank you, Batman," Phantom whispered.

Bruce raised an eyebrow before schooling his face into his usual glower as he turned around. "I'm not even going to ask." He shook his head. "Get out of here," he teased. 

Phantom hopped down with a giggle. "If it's of any comfort, I think you're a great Batman. And an even better dad," he added. Bruce's lips twitched before he frowned, and Phantom praised himself for almost making the man smile. "See you later, Bruce!" 

Bruce let his mask fall as he furrowed his brow. "Computer, make a note: Dick isn't allowed to make any more friends."

Phantom was nearly skipping as he headed back up to the manor. He rocked on his heels as he waited for Dick to come back downstairs. The raven-haired boy grabbed his hand as Wally and Tim accompanied them. Phantom blinked when they headed back down to the cave, casting a sideways glance at Dick before Tim wrapped him in a hug. 

"It was great to meet you!" Phantom chuckled as he hugged the younger boy back. "You'll come back over, right?"

"Definitely," he replied. "Even Dick couldn't keep me from visiting you."

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