Special - Q&A I Guess 103

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Lola: Back at it again my dudes!

Phantom: Lola... *whines*

Lola: Right. Sorry.

Lola: Anyway, I'm here to tell you a bit about Phantom that isn't in the story.

Phantom: What?

Lola; Yup, all in depth and personal. So, I'll ask you questions and you have to answer them.

Phantom: An order?

Lola: ...

Phantom: L-Lola?

Lola: *clears throat* Uh, no. You can choose, you remember what Robin told you about choice right?

Phantom: Oh, yes! I can choose to do something if I want, like go to my room if I'm tired or grab a snack if I'm hungry.

Lola: Exactly. You can choose what questions to answer. Just say Pass on ones you don't want anyone to know about. Okay?

Phantom: Ah-huh.

Lola: Okay, we'll start easy. Favorite color?

Phantom: Favorite?

Lola: ...

Phantom: Lola?

Lola: Uh, just choose a color you really really like, and makes you happy. My favorite color is blue.

Phantom: Well, I like green. So I guess that's my favorite color. Did I do it right?

Lola: Yup. Okay, favorite food?

Phantom: I liked M'Gann's waffles.

Lola: Waffles. Got it. This is vital information people!

Phantom: W-What about you?

Lola: Oh, I like peanut butter. But that's not a food, it's more like a spread. Okay, okay. Pizza. Cheese.

Phantom: *blinks*

Lola: You will eat pizza in the near future honey, I promise.

Phantom: A-Alright.

Lola: Back on track. Who's better: Canary or Batman?

Phantom: I-I like both of them.

Lola: Choose one.

Phantom: I-I can't.

Lola: Fine. Who's better: Robin or Me?

Phantom: ...Pass.

Lola: *huffs* Fine.

Lola: Do you know where Bio-244 is now?

Phantom: *squeak* Uh, I-I don't really know. I-I'm sorry. I-I just know Sir has it.

Lola: Alright. Hmm, how about... Camile. Are you comfortable talking about her?

Phantom: I-I guess.

Lola: I won't ask too many, I know it's a sore subject. Was she your friend?

Phantom: I-I considered her one. But she died b-because of me.

Lola: No, don't blame yourself. Blame Sir for taking you away in the first place. No one should've had to live through what you did.

Phantom: T-Thanks Lola.

Lola: No problem.

Lola: What did you like about her?

Phantom: Sh-She was the first person to be nice to me i-in a long time.

Lola: That's wonderful. Okay, away from the sad stuff.

Lola: Are you ever going to tell the team about Danny?

Phantom: How do you-

Lola: *cackles* Bean, I know everything. I know your future, your past, and your present. Don't underestimate my power. *falls off spinning chair* I'm okay!

Phantom: ... Uh, yeah, I-I'll tell them soon.

Lola: You better. They should get to know both of you.

Phantom: O-Okay.

Lola: What would you say to your family if you could see them again?

Phantom: Lo-Lola.

Lola: Alright, sorry.

Phantom: I-It's okay you didn't- Wait, you did know.

Lola: Ha, yup.

Phantom: Y-You're annoying.

Lola: *dramatic gasp* I know.

Phantom: *giggle*

Lola: *smiles cheekily* Last question, I'm your favorite right?

Phantom: Pass.

Lola: Dude.

Phantom: Nope, you said I could pass on questions I don't want to answer. I pass.

Lola: C'mon, it's not hard. Just tell them truth, you won't hurt anyone's feelings.

Phantom: N-Not doing it.

Lola: Phantom, please?

Phantom: Pass.

Lola: Yes?

Phantom: No. Pass.

Lola: Yass?

Phantom: P. A. S. S.

Lola: Yes. Okay, bye everyone!

Phantom: What?


Yeah... this has become a thing

Ahhhh.... I'm really something right guys?

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