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Phantom whimpered as he slowly roused. It was dark and all he could remember was the suffocating way the air wouldn't stay in his lungs. And the walls. The walls kept coming closer and closer... was that someone breathing on his neck? Phantom woke with a start, trembling like a leaf as he stared at the ceiling with unseeing eyes.

"I see you've woken," a gruff voice spoke. "About time. I was growing impatient with you, almost poked you with a stun stick." Phantom glanced in the direction the voice came from, heart jumping in his throat at the familiar face of Sir grinning back at him. Phantom whimpered, tossing his head as his closed eyes squeezed out fat tears. Sir tsked, "Don't act like that, I was sure you'd be glad I ended your stay with those infernal brats before you got attached. Welcome back home, D-114."

Phantom curled up, trembling from both the shock of passing out and Sir's cold welcome. He shook his head, throat constricting as he tried to form words. "Oh, you must be experiencing shock. You know you passed out right? Yes, it was a terrible sight. You banging against the walls crying and barely breathing, it was truly frightening. But I was there, I was there to help and get you out," Sir cooed, running a large hand through Phantom's starkly white hair.

Phantom shivered at the touch, curling tighter as he cried silently. The team hadn't come for him? Sir was the one who saved him from that nightmare? Phantom bit his lip, conflicted between the treatment Sir usually gave him and the gentle way he was being treated now. Craving a physical touch, Phantom was unconsciously moving closer to the hand, nuzzling the soft touches on his head.

Sir smirked at the action, ignoring the little whine as he took his hand away. "I must leave for a moment, but I'll be sure to alert your little friends of your whereabouts if you would like." At Phantom's hesitation, he grinned. "Or would you rather stay with me? I have some fun activities planned for us if only you would stay."

Phantom sniffled, shaking his head curtly as he wiped his tears. "I-I would like... to leave," Phantom whispered, his words barely audible as Sir smirked.

"Alright then, I'll be back soon. Try to sleep," Sir whispered as he placed the thin blanket on Phantom's body. "I will see you soon, D-114." Phantom flinched at the old name, remembering the way Sir would say it with such venom as he punished him. Giving a small nod, Phantom laid back down, closing his eyes as he feigned sleep. 

As soon as Sir left the room he scowled, turning on the power dampeners along with the digital locks. He strolled down the hall, garnering the attention of a passing guard. "Make sure he doesn't leave, and if he tries, detain him," Sir growled. The guard nodded, walking over to stand outside the door as Sir continued his walk to his office. Throwing the door open, the man smirked at the obvious finch from Agent K. The man glowered at the screen, turning when Sir flopped in his desk chair.

"I take it you have D-114?" Agent K asked.

"I do, he is planning an escape from one of the facility's rooms as we speak. Room 102 to be exact," Sir answered, leaning back in his chair as he squeezed his bouncy ball. Tossing it in the air, Sir spared a glance outside before closing his eyes. "Agent K, I believe it is snowing. How lovely."

The man hummed in reply, too engrossed in his work to worry about normal weather patterns. Sir sighed, striding over to the room as he stared at the falling flakes. His orange eyes raked over the snowfall, closing his eyes as he imagined a younger version of himself playing in the snow. Pushing away the memories all too soon, Sir sank back into his chair as he spun around to face K. "Where are the brats?"

"Well, it seems they split up, but the cameras go out or something cause next thing I see is the green girl knocking into one of the guards. Then if I go back to the boys, they seem to be crawling through the vents when Little Flash tripped one of the security measures. Good thing we put large doses in our darts, I'm pretty sure he's the fast one."

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