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"Get in the tank," Agent O ordered. D-114 shuffled up the metal platform, hands cuffed with the blue power dampeners and his collar glowing green. He hopped into the empty tank, standing in the middle until further instructions.

"Begin," Agent O spoke to a nearby scientist. The man in the lab coat flipped a switch. The hatch of the tube closed, sealing all the air inside. Green liquid began to fill, rising higher and higher. D-114 stayed still, knowing that if he struggled they would punish him but the weird liquid was rising higher, almost to his neck.

"Hurry up," Agent O ordered. The scientist jumped, pressing a red button. The pipes groaned as a waterfall of green liquid poured into the tank, filling it past D-114's head.

It filled his nose, mouth, the green liquid was suffocating him. He couldn't breathe, the liquid was filling his body, closing his throat so no air could get in. He struggled a bit, unable to keep completely still. Breathe. I can't. Breathe. I can't. Breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Help...

Phantom woke up gasping for air. He panted heavily as he clutched his chest, pulling at his shirt. That was when they wanted to see how long he could last underwater. It wasn't long.

Phantom threw the covers off of him, they were probably the cause of this particular nightmare. He sunk low into the corner farthest from the door, a sense of normalcy surrounded him. If they let him stay in his room all day he could calm down, freak out in solitude like he used to do. He hugged his knees as he tried to even out his breathing. Someone knocked on the door. Had he been too loud? Oh man, what if he had been too loud and they were annoyed he woke them up and decided to-

"Phantom, are you alright? I heard you, " Robin asked.

"U-Um, y-yeah, uh fine, " Phantom lied, keeping his voice even.

"I don't believe you, but breakfast is in the kitchen, " Robin said as his footsteps lead away from the door.

Breakfast? They were letting him eat for two days in a row? Phantom rarely got food, one time the scientists hadn't fed him just to see how long his ghost half could go without food. Were they bringing him food, or was he going to have to venture to the kitchen?

Since no one came for a bit, no food was slipped under the door and no one came back to tell him what to do, he assumed he would have to leave. Phantom slowly stood, swaying slightly as he headed to the door. He hesitated before reaching for the handle and slowly turning. He raised an eyebrow, surprised that it turned all the way as he walked out the door.

Voices were coming from down the hall so Phantom followed them. He kept his head down in case they yelled at him for leaving, still confused about if he could have. It seemed like something this batch of living would do, but he could never be sure with the living. After all, he was with the worst living imaginable in his case, and he's never met any others that hadn't wanted to cut, beat, or scream at him.

He waited at the edge of the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room, fidgeting with his hands as he stood not knowing what to do. Someone screamed and Phantom jumped, his barrier flickering as he stepped back.

"When did he get here!?" Artemis shouted, dramatically clutching her heart.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have left the room," Phantom mumbled as he turned to leave.

"Wait," Robin waved Phantom over, "you can leave the room, just not the cave. You're free to roam until your meeting in five days."

"Let's eat!" Wally shouted. Phantom whimpered, turning away as Wally jumped on the balls of his feet. Robin gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, but that only made Phantom feel worse. He hid his feelings, wetting his sore throat as he sat. Wally licked his lips as M'Gann placed a heaping plate-full of waffles, drenching it in syrup before shooing him away.

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