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This is not how Wally wanted to spend his Saturday. Sitting around in the cave, bored out of his mind. He wished he hadn't finished his science homework already, at least he would have something enjoyable to do. The boy was so deep in his boredom he barely noticed Dick walk into the common room. Barely.

"Hey Rob," Wally called, speeding over to the boy, "Did Batman give you any missions? I'm so bored here and I think I'm losing brain cells because of my boredom and I kinda need something to do before I implode. So?"

Dick blinked, trying to keep up with the words tumbling out of his best friend's mouth, "Uh, yeah, yeah, he gave me a mission. Can you-" Dick didn't even get to finish before Wally was speeding throughout the cave, pulling the team members away from whatever they were doing. Dick blinked slowly, a smile finding its way onto his face, "-bring everyone into the common room?"

Wally gave him a thumbs up, smiling brightly at him. Dick huffed, sitting down on the green couch as he waited for Batman's call. He didn't even move when Wally cried out from the slap of human skin on skin. Artemis.

"What the heck, Kid Idiot!?" The archer growled, "You couldn't have just called us in here like a normal person?"

"He isn't normal," M'Gann smiled. "He's above normal, Artemis." The girl rolled her eyes, sending Wally a soft glare before grumbling under her breath.

"What, may I ask, is the reason you have brought us here Wally?" Kaldur asked, glancing at Robin before turning back to Wally.

"Well, I was sitting here, you know, bored out of my mind. Then Rob comes and I asked him if he had a mission because I was so bored I thought I was going to implode. Then he told me he did, have a mission that is." The team was silent, brains trying to catch up with the speedster's words. The tv beeped, cutting the conversation short as the team turned to the dark screen.

"Hey, Bats," Wally shot finger guns at the man before quickly lowering them. "Batman."

The man rolled his eyes, scowling deeply before addressing the team, "Team, I have a mission for you. You will receive another determining on the success of this one." The man's eyes flicked to Dick, "A dangerous chemical has been stolen from Wayne Enterprises, Bio-244." A hologram of the chemical floated above the team, the small jar that held the contents of mass destruction gleaming above them. "It was being made at Wayne Tech for years, just completed this month. It was stored on the third sub-level of the Tower, where the most dangerous chemicals and tech are stored. A break-in was committed at 2:00 a.m. yesterday, December 5th."

"Who was the culprit?" Connor asked, crossing his muscular arms.

"A boy about Robin's height. White hair that is considerably dirtied, almost to a gray hue. Small frame, probably due to undernourishment. He had on a black suit, silver gloves and boots, and a black mask that seemed to glow green, indicating night vision. He has powers but there was a collar around his neck, I haven't figured out if it's part of the suit or an inhibitor."

"Cool!" Wally exclaimed, green eyes sparkling at the thought of another super powered individual.

"Not cool," Dick grumbled, pushing up his black sunglasses. "It'll make it harder to take him down if he has powers. How was his fighting skill?"

"I didn't get a chance, he jumped out the window before I could attack, though I assume he knows basic martial arts and gymnastics. He had to get past those lasers somehow and he threw Lucius Fox into a wall." The team shared a wary glance, excitement and unease coursing through their brains.

"Alright, we accept the mission," Kaldur spoke, the team nodding in agreement.

"It wasn't a choice, but I will send you the coordinates and you can depart." The screen turned off with that formality and the team got up from the couches.

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