Chapter 11

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Jamie's P.O.V.

My mind was a surreal blurr of colors. James and Tyler both told be that I walked outside barefoot and into a coming blizzard. Quite frankly I don't remember ever doing that. What I do remember is Cason fighting with Kyle. Then I was back .

"He's awake!" James yelled out the door.

A stamped of feet knocked hard on the floor. Either who was coming was heavy or there was more than one person coming. The sould dulled as whoever was coming slowed.

"Jamie! Are you ok? How do you feel?" I recognized Tyler's voice speaking.

"Uhg mmsm" I mumbled.

"Jamie? Are you ok?" Cason?

No. He couldn't be here. He was with Steven. Cason couldn't be here. How did he find us?

"Water" my voice came out all raspy.

Soon a cup was placed to my lips. I gulped the liquid down.

"Cas?" My eyes had cleared by now," how…?"

Kyle wasn't in here, but this was still the room in his house meaning I was safe… safe.

"I don't know…" Cason looked at the door."How did you guys end up here?"

He turned his attention to Tyler, who was to my left. James was fidgeting with the sipper on his jacket. He always worried too much about me. I think it was our link. When we were born we use to be inseparable.  We still are but I don't know.

"…helped us."

I was so lost in thinking that when I snapped out of it  my ears only registered Tyler's last words.

"Where is Kyle?"

I slid a leg side ways trying to sit up. Immediately they all sprang up to help me back down.

"I feel fine. Where is Kyle?"

Once again they all kept me down. What the hell was wrong with them? Where is Kyle?

"Calm down."

I stopped. Kyle stood by the door. Cas tensed up but didn't move.

"I'm right here." He looked at me with worry.

"What happened?"

"What?" They all said at once.

"I… I don't know. What happened? Why am I so cold?"

My body shivered. Then they all turned to James. He held my hand tightly. He was more than worried. If I wasn't delusional I'd say he was scared.

"I'm sorry…" James said between sobs.

Kyle was the only one who kept looking at me. He knew something and he wasn't saying.

"I'm sorry I let my pain on you. Please don't hate me."

Tears rolled off his blushed cheeks.

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember when you two were little. Well little-er?" I nodded." Remember how you would sometimes jump even when you weren't scared and…"

Tyler paused to look as James.

"Well James was actually the one who has been ill. He unknowingly let the illness effect you. That is why you couldn't get better. You weren't sick."

I remember our link but to be this strong to have me be the one in bed rather than… I couldn't think it.

'It's ok little brother. I'm fine see.'

James turned to me. Oh please tell me he didn't hear what I was thinking.

"But I hurt you"

That answers that.

"Don't worry. I'm fine."

"You will be. These past two days have been the longest waiting for you to wake up but after James was cured you started to stirr and so here we are."


"Two days?" I got sick yesterday.

It's impossible that I had been asleep for two days.

"It's friday?!" I asked in shock.

That wasn't right…

"It's Friday evening actually." Tyler pointed out.

"You better rest. I'll be back tomorrow to see how you're doing." Cason got up hugged me and stepped out. Kyle did so aswell.

James' P.O.V.

Jamie was better now. It's all my fault he was sick as he was.

'Hey I'm ok'

Since a while back I've been hearing voices. Now it seems as though Jamie has been the one speaking. I mean I knew about our bond but it was never this bad. We've always shared similar likings in things like food, movies and maybe music, but nothing like this.

"Hey James, don't worry ok? Jamie is better now."

Tyler must have known about this bond. Although if he had known he would've done something.

"James. I'm ok." Jamie smiled, "hey can James sleep here tonight?"

"Well since you got sick he hasn't left your side." Tyler looked out the window. The sky had darkened.

"Well I'll just go back to my room. If anything happens call me ok?"

Tyler walked out and I stayed on the small couch next to the bed. Not the comfiest move to sleep sitting but I can't leave Jamie. Aside from being my brother he was also my best friend. The only person who no matter what would always be there.

"What are you doing there, come" he said motioning to an area next to him.

"I am sorry Jamie" my face was warm. I had made my best friend hurt for me.

"Look it's not your fault now lets just forget about this ok? I'm fine. Come here"

Jamie usually liked to be hugged to sleep, by me. I think he needs me just as much as I need him. I remember the first time Jamie wasn't able to sleep alone.


Jamie had this stuffed bunny he called Buddy. He really loved that bunny, but one day dad accidentally dropped buddy the can and when he realized where it was buddy had already been picked up by the trash man.

That night Jamie cried and cried until he got tired and fell asleep. The next day I lent him my favorite blanket. He took it but now I had no blankie. He offered me to share the blankie.

** present**

"What are you thinking about?" Jamie asked.

"Oh nothing." I lied but my red ears gave me away instantly. Funny because his giveaway is his nose. There's a reason we call him Rudolph.

"Come on," he nudged me a little."what is it?"

Jamie smiled at me. If he could really read my mind like I am suppose to be able to his then he'd find out either way.

"Fine… I was thinking about Buddy."

"I remember him. I also remember the blankie…" An awkward silence filled the room.

"Jamie?…" he didn't answer. "Jamie?" He stirred but only to snuggle in more…

"Good night Jamie."

Thanks for reading. I was feeling emotional and I actually want to dedicate this story to my little brother who even though we fight a lot we still care so much about eachother. Like always comment, vote, add to your library.

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