Get to Work

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It's been about a month since "it" happened, and although I feel a little better, the pain is still there.

It's a pain I can't describe. I mean, why should I be hurt, if all he did was compliment me, be kind, drive me, offer to pay for me... and I ran out? Am I selfish?

I'm still trying to figure it all out.

My friends have noticed my sour mood, but I shrug it off and make some sort of excuse. No one will ever find out about this. I'm too ashamed.

Eventually they stopped bugging me about it and things shifted back to normal. Everything was back to the way it was.

And Gilbert... well, it's super awkward in class, but he seems to be giving me space.
We finished the project on our own time's, and no surprise, we got an A.

The rest of the year finished smoothly. I focused all my attention on schoolwork and thankfully ended with a 4.0. Me and Ruby have become much closer, to my surprise, and us and Diana hang out as much as we can.

Today marks the official start of summer. How am I spending it? Holed up in my room.

It sounds like I'm upset, but I'm not. I'm used to being by myself. I enjoy it. I do.

When you're with yourself, you don't have to act like anything you're not. You don't have to please anybody. Let's face it, no matter who you're with, they never really know who you truly are. We all wear masks.

I shake my head, discarding those thoughts. Since when did I get so depressing, shit.

A few days pass, and each day I spend my time lounging on my balcony window, reading.

"Anne, are you really going to spend your summer hidden up here in your room?" Marilla enters my room.

"Yes, what's so bad about that?" I ask.

"I just know your friends miss you. I know they'd love to see you," she smiles.

"Yeah, yeah. It's only been a few days, Marilla. I'm okay I promise," I assure her. She sighs and takes a seat next to me.

"I also wanted to ask you something. Matthew and I have been talking, and we think it's time you get a job. You just got your license, and a car, so I think it's time you start taking some responsibility," she tells me sternly, yet I see the warmth in her eyes.

"Okay, I was looking at jobs anyway. There's a cafe I really like, maybe I'll head over now and pick up an application," I reply, thinking of Wildwood.

"Sounds great. I really am proud of you honey, I just want what's best, you know."

"I know, Marilla, I know," I gently smile.

I drive the familiar path to the cafe.

"You make me feel so, so real Anne."

The memories resurface. The way he looked at me as if I was somebody. As if I was special.

I shake my head and step out of the car having arrived at Wildwood. It looks exactly the same as a few months ago, and instantly the smell of fresh brewed coffee fills my senses.

Crazily enough, the cashier is the same girl from when I last was here.

"Hey, um, I was wondering if you guys were hiring?" I ask the blonde.

"Luckily for you, one of our cashiers just quit. Hey, don't I know you?"

"I mean, I was here only once," I laugh lightly.

"Oh my gosh! You and your boyfriend were here. Y'all were so cute. I have a very good memory, I swear I'm not creepy," she laughs.

"Oh, uh, he wasn't my boyfriend, but yeah we came here together," I blush.

"Honey, the way he looked at you, I coulda sworn y'all were married. Anyways, you don't have to fill out an application. I'll put in a word to my manager, just give me your number and expect a call soon."

"Wow, thank you so much!" I give her my number and we exchange goodbyes.

When I got home, I told Matthew and Marilla the news. They told me how immensely proud they were, and we ate dinner.

I told them I was tired and headed upstairs. Now I simply lay in bed, scrolling through my phone.

Diana : hey Anne. How have u been?

Me: I've been well. I'm pretty sure I just got a job!

Diane: that's great!!! wanna hang soon? ruby and i miss u.

Me: Of course. I'm pretty busy right now but I'll tell you what day I'm available.

Diana: ok.... well, just lmk.

I shut off my phone and sigh. I'm not even busy, but being alone is much easier than social interaction.

The next day, I get a phone call at 2 pm.

"Hello, this is Anne?"

"Hello, Anne Cuthbert. This is the manager of Wildwood. Let's just get to the point, you got the job. Kaitlyn put in a great word for you, I don't think there's much more to be done!" The man says.

"Wow, I... thanks, so much!" I stutter, surprised.

"You start tomorrow at 8 am. Kaitlyn will be there to train you. Eventually we'll get you set up in our system and your schedule will be accessible on our website. For now, just come in tomorrow and I'll let you know what days you work this week."

"Sounds good. Thanks again," I gush.

"Of course. Have a good day."

"You too—" he hangs up the phone.

I glance in the mirror at my chaotic appearance. Running my hands through my unruly red hair, I smile.

This could be good.

WoooOoowW hi again. If you are still reading this I really appreciate you. please vote and comment if you want :)

love, abbi

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