Making Acquaintances

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"I'm Anne, nice to meet you," I smile, shaking his hand.

"Jerry, you as well," he smiles.

I spend the next few hours making drinks for customers, but considering it's a Thursday afternoon, it's not very busy.

During the dead periods I get to know Jerry.

He's an exchange student and will be attending Avonlea High our senior year. He wants to go to college here in America, and his family hoped moving here would increase his chances.

His English is pretty good, but he says he can't read or write that well.

"Here's my number, maybe we can meet up sometime and I can help you learn before school starts," I tell him, and he blushes.

"Thank you very much, I would love that!"

I smile and we continue talking the rest of the night. I catch Gilbert giving me a weird look once in a while but I shake it off.

Finally it's time to close up and I notice Jerry standing idly by the door.

"Do you need a ride home?" I ask curiously.

"No that's okay! My dad should be here in one hour," he tries to reassure me.

"What, no way can you wait here all night by yourself! I will give you a ride home," I smile.


As we walk to my car I wave goodbye to Gilbert. Instead of the lovely smile he usually gives me, he quickly waves and gets into his car, driving away from the store.

I sigh, but again, I brush it off.

"You know, I have friends coming over tonight and I'm sure they'd love to meet you. Would you like to come?" I ask right as the thought pops into my head.

"I-I would not want to intrude," Jerry replies.

"Trust me, you're not. They're lovely people and I know you'll like them!"

"If they are anything like you, I'm sure I will," he smiles.

"Ruby, Diana, meet Jerry!" I tell the girls as we all sit on my bed.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Diana says politely.

"Hey, my name's Ruby. Are you actually from France? I just adore it there. I've never been but it's on my bucket list. Why would you come here if you lived there?" Ruby says rapidly.

"I, uh, for school?" Jerry says and I giggle. I've never seen Ruby like this before.

"Oh, that makes sense," Ruby blushes.

After awhile of getting to know Jerry more, I notice him and Ruby getting along really well. So well that they basically kicked me and Diana off the bed to continue their conversation about horses, and then continued to follow each other on all social media.

"Her inner horse girl is coming out," Diana whispers.

"She never exposes herself like this," I whisper back with a big grin on my face.

"Anne, it's time for your friends to go home," Marilla yells from downstairs.

"You heard the boss," I shrug.

"I don't want to leave," Ruby pouts.

"It is okay, we will talk again soon," Jerry smiles.

Ruby smiles widely and finally agrees to go. "Okay."

Diana waves goodbye and eventually they all leave. I grab my phone and fall onto my bed.

Diana: Ruby will not stop talking about Jerry.

Anne: that's cute

Diana: kinda disgusting tbh

It is kind of disgusting but oh well. At least Ruby is acting like herself for once around another person besides Diana or I.

I set my phone down and close my eyes, hoping to fall asleep soon since I have to work tomorrow morning.

I should have talked to Gilbert at work. I miss him already. It's been two hours. I'm stupid.

I groan and pick up my phone again.

Anne: Hey

Gilbert: it's late Anne

Anne: so what

Gilbert: is there something you need?

Anne: I just wanted to talk to you.

Gilbert: okay, I'm here.

Anne: you seemed off at work today.

Gilbert: nah, I was just tired.

Anne: that's what upset people say

Gilbert: I was tired ok

Anne: did you meet Jerry?

Gilbert: yup.

Anne: he's nice isn't he?

Gilbert: super nice.

His short answers are annoying me so I decide to text him goodnight and put my phone away for good. Why is he being so short with me? Why can't we ever talk normally for two whole days?

Let's just say I did not get much sleep last night.

wow sorry for this boring chapter I hate fillers so much I never know what to write but it should be getting good soon. also new season in like a month wtf??!???

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