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Loki sat underneath the desk, hiding away with a book in his hand. Although, his heart was pounding loudly against his chest, he was willing enough to stay back. He knew he was to attend his lessons for fencing but it wasn't easy to miss his loathing for it.

All-father, he couldn't miss it either.

The blues that came with the mere thought of his impending lessons were sickening. What was more sickening was knowing that he'd have to hide away from everyone to do what he really wishes to do for as far as he could see into his future. Loki let out a scoff.

Loki nestled further into the corner and read through the worn out pages he'd already read countless number of times. As much as he would've liked to read in peace, his attention kept on breaking away after every sentence in hyper-vigilance.

Almost thinking he had gotten away with skipping lessons, he smiled a little to himself. 'No such gifted, to uncover my mischief' He thought to himself.

To his dismay, he frowned as footsteps were heard approaching the library. The footsteps were loud and heavy; their sound disclosing the intent to intimidate.

Loki knew almost immediately it was Thor.

"Loki where are you?" His heavy voice rang through the room.

He decided to remain silent, refusing his presence but Thor was well aware he was here. Thor was still ,somewhat, bright enough to know Loki's hatred towards fencing, mostly because he was ridiculously terrible at it.

It wouldn't be the first time Thor would bust him play a truant from it.

If it were up to him, Thor would happily let his baby brother skip as many as he wished— it was a hassle to have him there; getting himself in trouble every now and then. And oh of course— what an embarrassment was he!

"Loki, I know you're here. Come out or I'll have to find you myself." Thor mumbled, annoyed, impatient to get on with it.

"I'm not here." Loki yelled, innocently. Thor rolled his eyes at the stupid attempt and walked towards the desk, although he quite loved his little moments of undeniable annoyance, at the moment, he had better things to do. He leaned downwards and sighed when he saw Loki hiding.

"Yes I can see that." Thor said sarcastically and Loki pinched his brows together and looked down. "Damn it!" He mumbled to himself. So much for the god of mischief

"Don't you-" Thor sneers, smacking Loki's head. Loki rubs his head with a frown and mumbles a small "sorry" as he comes out from underneath the desk.

He looked up at Thor with his big green eyes, pleadingly. "Please brother, you must let me go. Master Castro won't be forgiving if I show up this late."  His face was so innocent, it almost made Thor's heart melt.


"You have to come Loki. There is no other choice. You can't just skip lessons whenever you want. Off you go!" Thor's voice transitioned from normal to harsh as he spoke, realising by the end of the sentence he is to be a strict brother.

"But I don't want to fight." Loki argued, his voice, in turn, growing softer as he spoke.

Thor tilted his head and stared at him for a moment. "Alright then"

Loki began to smile sheepishly.

"We must resolve the matter with father then." Thor said, taking Loki's tiny wrist in his hand.

His heart dropped. What a terrible thing to hear. He was taking him to his father. "Wha- No." Loki resisted, pulling himself back on the weight of his whole body.

"No?" Thor asked raising his eyebrow. "I can still carry you in one hand Loki, say all you want" 

There was no one in Asgard he dreaded meeting as much as the mighty benevolent all-father.

"Shit." He mumbled under his breath, his mind immediately engulfed in his worry towards his approaching future.

"What did I tell you about swearing? Do you wish to hear father yell at you for that too?" Thor sneered, lightly smacking his arm. "Ow!" Loki hissed, rubbing his arm.

Loki hurriedly shook his head, his raven curls bouncing as he did.

"Now come with me."

He didn't want to go. He knew very well what was going to happen. Or at least he thought he knew.

Loki frantically shook his head and crawled backwards, trying to get away from Thor.

Thor was quick to grab his wrist and drag him along.

Loki continued to protest and kept pulling himself backwards but he was just a twig in front of Thor who was much older than him.

It was time they had reached Odin's chamber and just when Loki saw him; his body began to shake.

"It has come to my attention that you have not been attending your lessons, Loki." Odin spoke, taking his name almost in a mocking manner. He walked closer to Loki, slowly. Very slowly. Almost as if to scare him further.

Loki looked down at his feet, not having the courage to utter even a single word.

"Why is it so?" Odin asked, lifting Loki's head from his chin making him look up. Loki refused to make eye contact. "Look at me!" Odin shouted causing him to jump back in fear. Loki hid behind Thor trying to take refuge in the man he was once running away from. Thor looked back and gave him a guilty look and stood aside.

"Not just today, it has been brought to my attention you've been running off for weeks! Is that how little being a Prince matters to you? Do you not possess even a grain of gratitude?"

"Do not bringshame to me, boy!" Odin continued to shout, walking closer.

"I'm sorry father." Loki said, his voice almost unheard.

"I cannot hear you." Sometimes Loki wondered if it was his age catching up but he was to afraid to ever deny repeating himself.

"I'm sorry, father." Loki said a little louder, his tears threatening to spill.

He manages to look up to meet his father's discerning eyes then suddenly feels a smack against his right cheek, and Loki lifts his hand to place on his throbbing face as he holds back the tears.

Father-" Thor placed a hand on Odin's shoulder in tries to stop him but he dismissed him by raising his hand beside his face signalling him to not interfere.

"I am not concerned when or how you manage to find time to do whatever you please, all I seek to ensure is that you do what you are required to do and I am equipped with full responsibility and power to make you! So I warn you last time, do not test my patience with you, it's emptying!"

Loki looked down at his feet as his knees weakened and his hands trembled in fear.

"Run away before I grow more furious, child." He threatened. Loki looked up with teary eyes and pushed himself up, stumbling on his feet but managing to run away.

He ran and ran as he tried not to let a tear fall. He had to be strong. He couldn't cry. As he entered his room, he immediately hid under his bed and pulled his knees to his chest. He started to breathe heavily when he ran short of breath.

He was scared. He was shaking.

"Please, don't cry. Don't do it to yourself. Don't cry. Don't be a fool. Don't be weak." He mumbled under his breath as he rocked back and fourth.

He needed someone to comfort him. He pulled the the blanket from above his bed and wrapped it around him self and holding it close, imagining his mother's embrace.

Loki kept on hoping there was someone that ran after him, concerned for him. He kept on waiting but no one came.

Loki told himself that it must be this way. He must make it on his own. He must because he cannot choose to do otherwise.

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