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Loki grew sick of celebrating hours back but still, he had to stay. He had no other choice. It was such a long day. Loki sighed as he continued stare at his plate of food while everyone uttered praise for Thor.

Loki looked up at Thor as he smiled at everyone around him, while also eating his dinner. Loki looked at Thor's wrist and frowned seeing his empty wrist. 'So that is what it means, Thor does not believe in me.' He thought to himself. It was sickening him to the core. He felt so stupid for giving 'the mighty Thor' a source of protection. He didn't need it.

Everyone loved him. Everyday was about him and today, when it was actually his birthday, people found another big excuse to cling to him.

He didn't even want to eat anymore. "Can I leave, mother?" Loki asked Frigga who sat on the seat beside him. She turned her gaze to him and raised a brow. "It's your brother's special day. If you leave, I'm sure he'll find it rude."

Loki shook his head. "But I really want to leave mother." He argued, getting up from his seat. Many eyes diverted from Thor to Loki and Frigga gestured him to sit down.

But he didn't want to, so for once, he did what he wanted to and left. Everyone was confused as to why he would do that but Frigga and Odin were embarrassed.

"I'll go and see what's going on." Frigga whispered to Odin but Odin shook his head. "I'll go." When Odin left, he wasn't concerned, rather, he was furious.

Odin spotted Loki walking back to his chamber. "Stop." He said, loud enough for Loki to hear. Loki stopped dead at his tracks, his heartbeat fastening as he heard Odin's footsteps approaching him.

"Who gave you the permission to leave?" Loki turned and looked at his father who was fuming. "I really wanted to leave." He mumbled softly.

"That doesn't matter. It's your brother's birthday. You should be there with him." Odin said, his voice stern. "He doesn't even care whether or not I'm there."

"What makes you think that?" Odin asked and Loki pinched his eyebrows together. "Because he's ashamed of me, I know that now."

"You have to come back." Odin repeated, ignoring what Loki had just said. "But I don't want to join you." Loki argued, growing nervous as he did. "Doesn't matter!" Odin exclaimed, grabbing his wrist harshly and pulling him with him.

"Why does what I want never matter?!" He shouted, pulling himself away from his father. And before he could tell, Odin's hand collides against Loki's cheek, leaving a huge red imprint. "Don't ever raise your voice at me again."

Loki eyes started to water his he stared at his father in shock. He blinked back the tears as Odin dragged him back to where he tried to leave moments ago.

Instead of sitting with his family, this time Loki chose to sit alone in a corner. He couldn't sit with them anymore.

He placed a hand on his throbbing cheek and closed his eyes as he sat, facing the wall.

After that day Loki had spent time with Odin, he found hope that maybe things would get better. But now, it seemed like they were far from getting better. 'No matter how much I try, I keep doing something wrong.' He thought, his eyes still shut.

Suddenly, a hand taps his shoulder causing him to jump. He turned to look and found Thor. He took a seat beside him and sighed. "Why are you not sitting with us?" Thor asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Loki chose to stay quiet and looked down. It hadn't been long since Loki last got to know what happens when he speaks his mind so he thought it'd be better if he just stayed silent.

"What is the matter, Loki?" But Thor kept on asking, and Loki really wanted to let it out on him.

"Doesn't matter, brother." He mumbled softly and turned his head away from him. It was then that Thor noticed his red cheek. He then understood what must've happened when he left.

"Please, enjoy yourself. Go to your friends." Loki said, gesturing Thor to leave. Thor sighed to himself and left.

Nothing had gotten better; possibly worse.

And the same way, the years passed.

To be continued......

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