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Today was the day. Today, everything would be fine. Just like Loki had planned, Laufey was truly convinced that he intended to have Odin slaughtered. In his mind, he was running towards victory but really, he was running towards his death.

Loki smiled to himself as he placed his helmet on his head and grabbed his spear and stared at his reflection in the mirror. This time, and for the first time, Loki felt satisfied with what he saw. He didn't see a loser. He saw a winner.

He was so sure that he was bound to win this time.

He walked out of his chambers, making way to Odin's, fully aware that Laufey must be there by now. When he reached, he saw Laufey making way to Odin's bed while his mother laid on the floor, defeated.

"It's said, you can still hear and see what transpires around you." Laufey said, on top of Odin as he pulled his eyelid open to see his eye. "I hope it's true. So that you may know, your death came by the hands of Laufey." He said, spitefully as he raised an ice dagger and aimed it at his heart.

Loki smiled for a moment and shot an energy blast towards Laufey with his spear before he could bring any harm to the man he still thought of as father.

Laufey seemingly flew and fell to the ground as he stared at Loki in shock. He realised he had been tricked by the trickster. Really, he shouldn't have been surprised at all.

Loki stomps the spear against the floor, looking his way. "And your death came by the son of Odin." He said, giving a greater blast at Laufey, the energy turning him into ashes.

"Loki, you saved him." Frigga cries as she picks herself up from the floor and rushes to her beloved son. She engulfs him in her warm embrace, melting his heart.

Loki wished that moment would last forever. What he got was all he needed ever since he was a child. "I swear to you mother, they will pay for what they've done today." He says pulling away, a sense of genuineness in his voice.

But things never work out for the God of mischief. Do they?

"Loki!" The familiar, heavy and deep voice echoes through the room. Frigga immediately rushes to Thor, hugging him tight. Loki hides his hurt feelings behind the mask of a blank stare as Thor sends a glare his way.

"Why don't you tell her? How you sent the destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me!" Thor sneers, steeping towards Loki who stepped back. Frigga looked at him, shocked. "What?" She mumbles in disbelief.

"Well, it must've been enforcing father's last command." Loki said, not nearly worried about Thor not falling for his lie. "You're a talented liar, brother. Always have been."

"It's good to have you back. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim." He says casually before shooting Thor with a great blast of energy from the spear.

Thor breaks through the wall and falls down from the height of the palace while Loki rushes out and rides away on a horse to the Bifrost. When Loki reaches his desired destination, he places the spear in the place of the Bifrost sword and twists it to release energy from it.

The energy rushes out, focused on Jotunheim and as it spreads, it destroys every bit it reaches.

When Thor reaches there, he is astonished by the sight. What Loki was doing now, it was beyond his comprehension. He hadn't even thought of it as possible.

"You can't stop it! The Bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart!" Loki scowled at him. Thor runs towards it and raises his hammer to break it but fails when Loki hits him with a blast through the spear.

"Why have you done this?" Thor asked, as he stood back up again. "To prove to father that I am the worthy son. When he wakes, I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters. And I will be true heir to the throne." He answered, his voice filled with loathe and hatred.

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