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The next morning, unlike usual, Thor was suddenly struck by the remembrance of his little brother, Loki. He wouldn't normally bother to know but that day, he wondered how he was keeping. He hadn't arrived for breakfast yet. Almost everyone had.

When Odin and Frigga arrived, Thor had assumed they'd be angry at Loki's absence but to his relief, it went unnoticed. Time passed and everyone was halfway through their meal but Loki still hadn't shown up.

Thor was a curious cat.

He excused himself for a moment and made his way to Loki's chambers. When he entered the room, it was strikingly cold- he noticed first. He then looked around to spot Loki's tiny figure but at his failing attempt, he almost thought it was empty until he noticed a slight bump under the sheets.

He walked closer to the bed and pulled down the sheets a little and saw his tiny body curled under the sheets, asleep. He smiled at how adorable he looked.

The smile didn't last too long though.

His smile had faded into a pained expression when he saw the purple tint on his skin from yesterday.

Bruises could still be seen on his cheek. He reached out to his weak hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.

He then placed a hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "Loki, come on, wake up." But he didn't wake up. Or at least he acted like he didn't. Thor was in the thought that he was merely pretending to be asleep to avoid having to go for breakfast. He knew how much he loathed public gatherings.

Thor shook him again, calling his name but wouldn't budge.

'Maybe he isn't pretending.' He thought. He scooted in closer and picked up Loki in his arms and subconsciously, Loki buried himself further in his chest.

It was now that Thor's heart melted. He felt so bad for the tiny young boy. Although he refused to judge his father's actions, habitually deeming them wise, he also knew his punishment was way too harsh. It was especially not meant for a child so incredibly young and small.

But he had to bring Loki before someone noticed his absence.


"Can I please leave brother, I'm not at all hungry." Little Loki whispered lightly, turning to look at his brother. "Loki, no." He said sternly, walking away to his peers.

Loki hated the fact that everyday was a celebration because it shouldn't be. It was sickening. Everybody was smiling and giggling and laughing when there was not one bit of humour anywhere around and neither was the company too pleasant. They were all so pretentious; was what he thought.

He was so certain that everybody was as miserable as him from the inside.

Which they weren't actually.

No one could beat him at that.

So there he was sitting alone, blank, doing what he did best; being a miserable moron.

'Why would anyone give me company? I'm not Thor.' He thought to himself.

He turned his head to look at Thor. He observed how everyone around him had so much love for him. Everyone was just bound to love him. There was no disliking Thor. He was the perfect personification of manhood. He was everyone's favourite. It was so easy to make out. It was so typical. He stood in the centre, surrounded by everyone while he speaks of himself and everyone watches him with wonder and awe.

He genuinely wanted to be like Thor. He wanted to great. He wanted to be someone his father would be proud of.

He smiled at how perfect Thor was.

His smile grew brighter when he realised he didn't have any duel lessons today. He could spend the entire day reading books in the garden! The thought brought so much happiness to Loki.

He immediately stood up with brightest smile anyone could've ever seen and ran out of the hall. He was giggling in excitement.

Until a guard stopped him. "Yes? Is there something you need to speak to me of?" Loki asked, looking up at him with his big green eyes. The guard couldn't help but smile at his respectful manners very much unlike his elder brother Thor. He was so cute.

"All-father demands you meet him in his chambers, Prince Loki."

And all the joy was gone in less than a moment's reflection. Loki almost felt guilty over how much he dreaded meeting his own father.

'I shouldn't feel guilty, he's quite terrifying' he said to himself in a self convincing manner.

Loki started to grow nervous as he walked towards his father's chambers. He wondered if he had done something wrong.

And he had. He was late for breakfast.

"Father, You wanted to speak to me?" He asked in his usual soft tone. Odin turned to look at him. To his relief, he did not seem to be in anger.

Odin gestured him to come closer sat at the edge of his bed. Loki, reluctantly, stepped forward and stood in front.

"Sit." He said, a little softer than usual yet still stern.

"I know, I may have been harsh with you yesterday." He spoke with a pause. "I also know that you might not be able to see as to why I did what I did."

Loki looked up at him and waited for him to speak up again as he fiddled with his fingers.

"The truth is, you, being a child, will not understand my motives but as you grow older, you will also grow to appreciate my correct measures at the correct time." Odin carried as he momentarily glanced down at his fidgeting hands, keeping his hand on his to stop them and then looked back at him.

"What I intend to say is, I want you to focus on things what really matter. Don't waste your time on the insignificant books you read or the tricks you play. You need to be a warrior, son."

Loki was slightly taken aback by his relatively nicer terms used to refer to him but more importantly felt the urge to tell him his love for knowledge and the deep lodged hatred for combat.

But he remained quiet, afraid.

"I need you to be the Prince Asgard deserves." Odin declared. Loki felt almost validated that Odin wanted him to achieve greatness- even if they didn't match with his own idea of greatness.

"Yes father." He spoke in a whisper, his head hanging low in slight disappointment. "I'll try my best" he added.

"Try better than your best."

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