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Loki kept on waiting for the morning to come, without remembering he was in a dungeon where light was almost forbidden to enter. He had never thought he would crave it so bad.

Weeks had passed by and the darkness was squirming his mind into a hurricane. He had spent so much time alone thinking, his mind could possibly explode.
All this time, his conscience kept on debating whether he should accept the offer or not. He was truly tempted to do so but his heart just wouldn't go with it. It felt wrong, no matter how desperate he was.

His red, tired eyes look up at the smirking man with a twisted scowl on his face. "You're going strong, more than I expected." He said, rather impressed. Loki continued to stare at him with empty eyes, struggling to keep his head straight.

"I know you want to do it. You just can't resist it. But, even if you say yes now, I won't trust you." He said with a long sigh. But Loki knew he wasn't accepting defeat, and that told him there was something unimaginable he would do.

"I thought I could get in your head. Make you do what you deny. But, I'll admit, I haven't been able to." A sick smile was on his lips. It was atypical. "But you will let me in."

Loki barely had the strength to form an expression but he was puzzled.

Thanos moves away and behind his tall, big frame was a tiny woman, tied on a chair, her hair loosely hanging against her face. Loki's heart dropped when he saw her again. He hadn't thought he would ever. "Mother.." he whispered, his lips quivering at the sight of his mother in suffering.

He had almost forgotten how she looked like. But she still wasn't the same, those happy smiles she had on her lips was replaced by a look of anguish and those bright eyes were now glimmering with tears. It pained him to the bottom of his heart to see her this way. 

"Leave her alone!" He shouted, putting all his energy in trying to escape the grip of the cold chains. He shrugged with a glint of satisfaction on his face. "You know what to do. Do it and I leave her alone."

Loki glared at the purple man, his eyes sending denial his way. "I'm not gonna do it."

"Then watch her die. Because of you."

Loki looked his way and stared for a moment. His eyes softened. He couldn't let Frigga die. At this point, it didn't matter if she was his mother or not. He loved her way too much. "I do this and she's sent back to Asgard, safe." Although Loki had no trust in that man, he was in no position to rebel right now. He was vulnerable. He looked back at Frigga, his heart racing in fear and his breaths getting heavy.

"I'm waiting."

Thanos matched his eyes with Loki's and focused his senses to reach over to his. That once restricted entry was now open. Thanos smiled in fulfilment once his mind was attached to his. Their senses were joint virtually, causing Loki's green eyes to turn into a dull blue. Thanos had a grasped control on his mind.

Thanos waved his hand gently, casually as Frigga's figure fades into a plain silhouette and later into dust, vanishing in the air. Loki's eyes widened at the sight.

"Others too, make mischief sometimes."  When he felt the presence of Thanos' mind in his, he could see himself through his eyes. He felt like he had lost control over his body.

Moments, hours, days or weeks  later; not sure of how many Loki could finally see something more than darkness. When his sight reached light again, the first thing he saw was his face. He realised, at that moment that the link had no dominance. Thanos hadn't given him a command currently and his body wasn't engaged in doing anything at all. Hence, he could still possibly do something.

Loki's eyes shoot right up at him, his gaze sharp like daggers. A tiny smile makes a way on his lips as he whispered. "Not like me." 

He blinks slowly as the strength is reversed and his eyes turn back into their usual bright green while turning the big man's eyes golden.

'Unchain me.' Loki commands in his head after which, his hands unwillingly doing so. Loki stumbled on his feet once he managed to stand up. He let out a groan in pain at his sore legs and back.

Loki knew his dominance would not last long, considering Thanos was a million times stronger than him. He wouldn't have stood a chance if Thanos hadn't wasted his time and given his command to Loki.

He pushed past the giant figure and ran as fast as he could to any place that could give him a way out.

When he left the dungeon, he saw a multiple paths diverged at the same spot. Loki confused, looks around. Taking a risky guess, Loki takes the second path at the right and finds himself running towards a launch room with multiple ships.

Loki rips the door of the ship he reaches first, not being able to open it properly. When he enters, he starts to doubt that he could possibly escape because he had no idea how to operate a jet.

He hurriedly pressed all the buttons he possibly could and stumbled back when the ship's engine starts and it rises in the air.

Loki heard rushed footsteps become louder every second, signalling the approach of the guards. Loki pulls the control handle. The ship shoots up immediately, breaking through the ship it was already in.

Loki's eyes soften at the sight of something other than the same old darkness. The stars in the sky were something Loki always admired but until today, they had never seemed as beautiful. His lips curve into a warm smile after the longest time when he finally feels free.

He snaps out of his trance when the ship is fired upon by several other ships of Thanos.

He speeds up the ship while struggling the dodge the firing at him. Finally when he was perfectly targeted, the engine of the ship starts to fail. When the ship reaches near a large asteroid, he turns the ship to go round it in the opposite direction and with his luck, he was successful in deceiving the ships behind him and have them chase in some other direction.

But the failing engine finally breaks down and crashes down onto an unknown land and the broken pieces from the ship's ceiling land upon Loki, making him unable to leave the ship that was now on fire. He coughed repeatedly as his lungs filled up with toxic fumes filled in the ship. He pushed the large metal board off him and gets up back on his feet. His hands reach to open the door but he had to smash it down when he realised it was stuck.

He gasped immediately after setting foot out of the ship, the fresh air almost foreign to his lungs after months of breathing the recycled air in the dungeon. 

Seconds later, his eyes begun to scan his surroundings. It sure was a planet he had never visited before.
According to him, the place was quite beautiful. Everywhere his sight went, there were trees, so tall that they looked as if they touched the sky. The luscious green leaves hung loosely on the dainty branches, on top of which sat and chirped tiny, magnificent birds of all sorts of colours. The newly risen sun's rays peeked through the dense canopy of the trees while the river flowing through reflected back the warm saffron shade.

He turned around to search more about the unknown realm and found himself looking into a pair of light brown eyes. Loki stumbled back a little, startled by the woman standing in front of him. He couldn't help but examine her features. Despite the unusual light, baby blue coloured skin, she appeared to be the most gorgeous woman Loki had ever seen. Her platinum blonde locks hung loosely against her waist while her pale plump lips remained slightly parted as she stared back at him.

Her gaze traveled down to his bare chest that was bruised and wounded. "You seem heavily wounded." She said, tonelessly. Loki glanced down for a second then looked back at her again. He lightly nodded at her.

"Come with me."

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