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It was today that Thor was to be crowned King. The palace had a great high spirit diffused in it. Even in Loki. Sure, Thor could enjoy these moments while they lasted but Loki had plans.

He put on his head gear and took a quick glance at himself through the mirror and sighed, unsure of what he felt of the reflection he saw. Lastly, Loki pulled on a forced smile over his lips as he left.

Unlike usual, Loki had arrived earlier than anyone else.

He watched as the hall started to fill up with people more than thrilled to see there beloved prince become king. Everyone seemed so happy. The hall seemed to be full of liveliness. It seemed to become brighter when Thor entered. Everyone started clapping for their soon to become king with huge smiles plastered on their faces. There were loud cheers echoing in the hall and Loki couldn't help but feel jealous.

Loki could tell Thor must be feeling so proud. He almost felt bad for planning to ruin his big day but he sure felt obliged to save the realms from his stupidity and denseness.

As Thor walked closer to the All-father who was sitting on the throne, he raised his hands high in the air, signalling the crowd to cheer louder. Loki almost rolled his eyes at him.

When Thor had finally reached by the stairs to the throne, he knelt and took off his helmet. Odin stood up and stomped his spear Gungnir on the floor, silencing the fire of the crowd.

"Thor Odinson, my heir." Odin addresses, the word 'heir' torched in Loki a feeling of betrayal. He only felt the need to do the same. "My firstborn, so long entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, forged in the heart of a dying star, its power has no equal! It is a weapon to destroy or it is a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a king."

Loki almost smiled to himself, when he sensed that the frost giants had snuck into Odin's vault. His plan had worked.

"Do you swear to guide the nine realms?" Asked Odin, looking down at Thor. "I swear." Thor replied almost immediately after.

"Do you swear, to preserve the peace?" "I swear."

"Do you swear, to cast aside all selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realms." Odin asks, lastly and Thor grins brightly, raising his hammer. "I swear!" He exclaimed. Loki mentally scoffed at his excitement, noticing how he didn't even bother to listen to what their father said and absentmindedly agreed.

"Then on this day, I, Odin All-father proclaim you....." Thor waited impatiently for Odin to name him king but his smile faltered when he saw his father's eyes trail off in distraction.

"Frost giants." Odin mumbled in realisation. He stomped his spear on the floor, signalling the destroyer to finish off the intruders.

Immediately after, he stepped down the stairs and rushed to the vault with Thor and Loki. Thor looked at Loki for a mere second and then looked away.

When they reached the vault, they found dead frost giants lying on the floor. The sight angered Thor. He was furious that his big day was ruined by the evil beings of Jotunheim! "The Jotuns must pay for what they have done!" Thor exclaimed, gripping his hammer tighter. "They have paid, with their lives."

"The destroyer did its work, the casket is safe and all is well."

Thor pulled his eyebrows together in disbelief over the words his father had just said. "All is well? They broke into the weapons vault! If the frost giants had stolen even one of these relics-"

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