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Loki woke up with a throbbing head and a grumpy mood. He let out a long sigh as he wondered what had gotten into him last night.

His eyes immediately widened when he thought of last night's events. He remembered all the things he had said to his father and the way he had behaved. It was certainly not something All-father would forgive.

He knew the consequences wouldn't be good at all. They would be excruciating, in fact.

As he steps off the bed, a servant girl enters the room with a glass of water for him. Loki takes the glass and takes a long sip. "All-father demands your presence in his chambers, right now."

Loki takes a long breath, trying to prepare himself for what is to come but deep inside, he knew he wouldn't be ready. It's always been this way. Odin was infamous for extremely strict punishments that usually went beyond Loki's or anyone else's imagination.

But still Loki wondered what could it possibly be, as he walked towards his chambers.

When he entered, Odin's gaze promptly pierced through the tense air to make eye contact with his son. Beside Odin was an old man whom Loki couldn't recognise, and beside him was a wooden chair which Loki assumed he'd have to sit on.

There was silence between the two for quite a while. All this time, Odin was preparing himself to be able to punish him the way he thought he deserved.

"Loki Odinson, you have brought disgrace to your king and hence, all of Asgard through you dishonourable actions and words. You must pay for your crimes against the throne." He spoke, gesturing the guards to hold Loki down on the chair.

Loki is aggressively pushed down to sit on the chair as his wrists are tied down.

"I, All-father, take away your facility for words, for this reason, that you may never dare to give voice to such scornful and ungracious words!"

Loki turns his head to the other side as a curved needle is brought to his lips. The guards hold his head straight as the old man pokes the needle through his lips.

Loki holds back his screams as the agony, centred near his lips spreads like rays through his entire face. Blood oozes out his lips and runs down his neck and seeps through his clothes, to stick to chest.

The tormenting pain escalates as the old man, pushes the needle from his bottom lip to the other and then from the upper lip to the bottom. Heat like fire circles around his lips as the rest of his body grows cold. His eyes start to water and his hands scrunched up into a fist.

By the time, the old man finishes stitching up his lips, Odin looks away, unable to see the look in Loki's eyes. The old man stepped away and the room was now in silence. The only thing heard was Loki's erratic breathing which refused to settle.

Odin looked back at Loki, almost looking for a sign of weakness. A tear maybe. Odin nods at the guards and they in turn, take him to his room and lock him there. He was refused to go out or have any one in.

Loki rested his head against the wall as he sat helplessly on the floor. The pain was only growing as the time passed. 'I have to take this out.' He thought to himself as he looked around for his dagger or anything sharp.

It was unfortunate, he found nothing.

He shut his eyes as he repeated in his head that he had to rid himself from this pain. He raised his hand his lips and snaked his finger behind the thread and pulled onto it. His heartbeat fastened in pain but he continued pulling, ignoring his inner voice telling him to stop.

He pulled tighter, causing the thread to break. He pulled it out as more blood oozed out, staining his shirt in red. He let out a breath, his mouth filling with his own blood.

It was now that he really wanted to cry but no tears would come. Not a single tear. He wanted to do something to let out the pain he held in his chest but it was as if his body was refusing all his commands.

The silence in the room was deafening to the point where he thought he might collapse. His head, though was filled with all the memories he had collected over the years. Barely a few were nice.

Loki couldn't help but shake his head. It was that moment when Loki lost the very last of the hope he had been clinging onto for so many years. It all vanished away into oblivion.

'It is impossible for me to let everything stay alright. I always say the wrong words. I always do the undesired things. I always manage to let him down.'  He thought.

"Pathetic." He mumbled to himself as he shut his eyes. "I can never make him proud."


Author's note:
In Norse mythology, Loki's lips weren't actually sewn for this reason. It was done so Loki may never tell lies again. Just saying. This incident was recreated differently to fit the story.

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