Harry asthma attack on stage (5)

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Louis watched the (thankfully) steady rise and fall of Harry's chest as  the other slept. He glanced at the slowly and steadily beeping heart rate monitor next  to Harry's bed. Harry was going to be okay and Louis knew it, but it wasn't easy to  see him like that. It wasn't easy to just sit back and do nothing. He had been in the hospital for the better  part of two days now,

The beeping of the heart rate monitor gave him a headache as he  watched the green line on the black screen constantly rise up and down.  He had a lump in his throat as his eyes suddenly began to water. If Harry was awake right now, Louis could imagine him rambling off jokes  to lighten up the mood even in his bad condition. But Louis didn't know  when Harry would wake up. No one did. Or if he would wake up.

The doctors and nurses couldn't do anything else but wait for Harry to regain conciousness and diagnose any of the after effects - which sounded horrible, not only to Louis but the whole family Anne, Gemma, Robin, the boys and the rest of their family's, everyone esle informed by then.

He hasn't checked any social media or watched the news on the telly he's scared, scared for people's reactions; he could get mad or a sobbing mess again. he could already imagine the headlines in the front of the newspapers,

Harry Styles famous boyband member of One Direction rushed to hospital due a overdose?

Harry styles sick?

Harry Styles addicted?

Fame becoming too much?

He cringed at those thoughts, Paparrazi were never his favourite thing of the job and they could make this situation so much worse, saying stuff like that the famous teen heartthrob had gone to drugs and such, when it is actually a medical condition and it's none of Harry's fault.

He hated to see the  miles and miles of tubes hooked up to his husband, but Louis couldn't  help but just...watch. Keep watch.

 It wasn't like he could sleep,  anyway, even if it was nearing three in the morning, even if exhaustion  was yanking on his limbs and trying to pull him under. He couldn't let  himself sleep. If he did, he would have nightmares, something bad would  happen, the fans would show up and finish the song, Harry would die, Harry would  die, Harry would die—

A choked sob clawed its way out of Louis'  throat. Clapping a hand over his mouth, Louis turned his head and fixed  his eyes on the ceiling. Eyes burning and breath uneven, he tried to  calm himself down by thinking of something, anything other than the  possibility of Harry dying.

"The  doctors are taking good care of you", Louis said, smiling precariously, knowing  that Harry couldn't see it. "Don't you worry about anything else except  getting better, okay? I'm gonna be here when you wake up. I promise."

Louis couldn't remember a time when he and Harry weren't together—they had been bandmates since they were both so young then, learning how to  adapt to the celebrity lifestyle. They had spent  almost every day together as they grew older.

 A weak smile  found its ways to Louis's face as he remembered when they were put together in a band.  He and Harry already had a special relationship and boy, Simon was not happy.

That wasn't the only trouble the boys had gotten into over the years.  That time management went all crazy to both of them at the end of interviews, because who would like a boyband with 2/5 of them being in a relationship together? Or the Wellington incident, and, of  course, there were a million and one other things that they got  themselves into.

God, what he wouldn't give to go back to  simpler days. Days where they weren't stuck in a damn hospital bed.  Inhaling sharply, Louis bit down onto his hand. Tears slipped down his  cheeks as it finally, finally hit him (it had hit him days ago, too, but  it hurt more and more each time).

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