Harry sick at home

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Harry was caught in the terrible throes of a nightmare. He tossed and turned,  cocooning himself in the sheets and then wriggling and struggling to  free himself.

His cheeks flushed bright with fever and his clothes  were saturated with sweat. He whimpered and whined, his brows furrowed  as though he was in pain.

Louis was none the wiser. He slept peacefully on his side of the bed, no stranger to Harry's usual sleeping habits.

He reached behind him to pull his portion of blankets away from his boyfriend, but a groan stopped him mid-reach.

"Harry?" he asked, still half asleep, rolling over to face him.

Harry made a strange coughing sound, before a gurgling retch brought up a spray of vomit all over the bedsheets.

Louis  scrambled back, turning on the lamp and putting on his glasses. Harry had made a mess all over the bed, and he'd done it while still asleep.

Hesitantly,  Louis tried to shake him awake, not wanting Harry to choke. He was  prepared for Harry to immediately panic, but when he opened his eyes,  his gaze was far away and he seemed to be staring straight through Louis  without ever looking at him.

"Harry? Everything all right?"

It  was a stupid question - Louis knew that the moment it left his lips—and  Harry responded by heaving up another mouthful of vomit.

Louis  felt his forehead and cursed. Harry's skin felt like it was on fire.  There was little to be done about the mess already soaking through the  sheets, but Louis could prevent it from getting any worse.

Scooping  Harry into his arms and heading to the bathroom, Louis only paused once  when his boyfriend let out a nauseous belch. It was unproductive, and Louis continued to his destination, setting Harry in the middle of the  bathtub.

Harry threw up again, thin watery vomit that slid slowly  down toward the drain. His shoulders continued to convulse with heaves,  but it seemed like he'd already truly emptied himself on the bed.

Not  wanting to startle him, Louis turned on the water and began filling the  tub. The water was cool without being freezing, and the tension seemed  to leak from Harry's body as nearly his entire lower half was covered  in water.

Louis cupped his hands in the water and poured it slowly  over Harry's head. He did this a couple more times before Harry  blinked, the usual shine returning to his eyes.

"...Louis? What's—Why am I taking a bath with my clothes on?"

"You've  been sick," Louis said. He didn't want to elaborate further, and he was  sure Harry could taste the sick on his tongue. "I needed a quick way to  get your fever down."

"I want to go to bed," Harry said, his voice trembling. He rested his palm over his stomach, realization dawning on him.

"I think we'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."


Louis rolled his eyes. "You threw—The sheets are dirty and I'm too tired to clean them."

Harry only nodded, looking miserable. He must have still been slightly out of  it, Louis thought, because there had barely been a reaction to his  slip up.

He tucked back Harry's hair, clicking his tongue at the  fire on his skin. The fever wasn't worse, but it didn't seem like it's  had gotten better either.

"I'm going to get you some water, and maybe some medicine. Then, we're going to get you dried off and back to sleep."

Harry only nodded, shivering in the cooling water.

sorry for the abrupt stop but uuuuuh yeah.....more fics incoming also send some requests!

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