Larry sleeping

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Louis loves to watch Harry sleep.

He's always enjoyed looking at Harry, he is light and beauty in human form. Louis couldn't imagine there could be another person on Earth who radiates like Harry does. But it's his eyes that always undoes him. Harry's eyes look through Louis in a way that makes him feel naked and seen and loved and sometimes it's too much good. Too much of everything really. It blinds the rest of Harry from view. With his beautiful eyes shut Louis is able to take in all the rest.

Harry always falls asleep first, usually with that wistful contented smile on his face that makes Louis feel like he would conquer anything in the world for him if given the chance.

If Harry has his head on his chest or snuggled in his neck Louis contents himself with outlining Harry's form with his fingertips. He's memorized the curve of his cheek, the rosy colours of his lips, the line of his nose and brow, the contour of his shoulder, all by feel in those moments. Harry seems to sigh in his sleep while Louis runs his fingers over him, which makes it all the more sweet for Louis, those moments he cherishes.

If Harry falls asleep spooning Louis, his arm splayed out under Louis' neck, a warm pillow to rest his head on, then he becomes fascinated with his hands. The callouses on his fingers and sprinkling of dark hair is somehow art in Louis' mind. It's hard for him to stay awake long in those situations with Harry's restful breaths against his neck lulling him to sleep, but sometimes he fights it for as long as possible so he can drink him in just a little while longer.

His absolute favourite are nights like tonight when he comes to Harry when he's already asleep. He's splayed on his back and so Louis gingerly crawls under the covers and props himself up to look his fill. He only gets a few precious moments to watch him, enjoy the small mole under lips , the cruly locks falling over his forehead, and his lips pursed like he's waiting for a kiss. Then sleeping Harry senses him there, either reaching for him or turning on his side and scooting himself back until they're connected in some way.

Sometimes he mumbles Louis' name, sometimes he whispers "love you" and other times he seems to let out a deep breath, like he'd been holding it the whole time Louis was away from him and now he can breath again.

How someone in slumber can make Louis feel so essential and loved mystifies him.

Tonight Harry lets out a soft hum as he curls himself into Louis pressing them front to front, his nose rubbing against Louis' as he places a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.

Then his eyes slowly open and once again Louis is lost in the light that Harry bestows upon him and he feels warmth spread out from his chest to his toes.

Harry's hands slide over Louis' waist as he tips his hips forward, suggesting that maybe he's not so tired after all. Louis' breath hitches and his boyfriend smirks in his playful way and kisses him again before pulling back and looking proud of himself.

"You can watch me sleep after Lou, I promise."

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