Louis motion sickness

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At that very moment, Louis wished he could be absolutely anywhere else.

Their  cabin was dark and still. The only sounds that could be heard were that  of Harry's gentle snoring and the nauseous burbling of Louis' stomach.

He  felt like he was lying on a waterbed, which essentially, he was. Harry had won some stupid prize at a quiz for a couples cruise and even though Louis  hated the water, he couldn't very well deny Harry his prize.

Louis had only been vaguely queasy at first and he'd hoped that meant the rest  of their time on the ship would go off without a hitch. But sometime in  the middle of the night, Louis woke up and could feel every wave they  crashed in to, his stomach churning like the choppy waters of the ocean.

They  must have sailed into a storm, he thought. Nothing else should have  caused such a sudden, drastic change. The ship felt like it went from  gliding smoothly over the surface of the water to rolling over several  speed bumps.

Louis' propensity for seasickness was ramping up,  and he felt his stomach crawl further and further up his throat with  each jolt of the ship.

He swallowed, laying his hand on his  stomach as it gurgled ominously. His shoulders tensed and he was  practically shaking with the effort of trying to quell the nausea. He  hiccuped wetly and an alarming taste of acid splashed the roof of his  mouth.

Without thinking, he reached out and shook his boyfriend to  rouse him. He didn't know how Harry being awake would help him, but  right now he just wanted to bask in Harry's comforting embrace.

The  urgency of Louis' beckoning pulled Harry from sleep and he blinked,  disoriented as he tried to bring the darkened room into focus.

"Louis?" he asked, tongue heavy with sleep. "'S the matter?"

Louis made a strange gulping sound as he swallowed again, righting himself  into a seated position. He squeezed Harry's arm to indicate that he  couldn't speak.

Harry got the hint. He sat up, too, taking Louis'  hand. He studied him as best he could; Louis was trembling and he  swallowed with difficulty.

"Are you going to be sick?"

Louis nodded, leaving a hand to hover near his mouth as his stomach audibly  agreed. Through pursed lips, he let out a low whine, feeling the nausea  reaching its peak.

"Okay, that's okay," Harry assured. "Let's get you to the bathroom, yeah?"

Louis shifted toward the edge of the bed, but in that same moment, the ship  slammed into another wave, disrupting Louis' concentration and sending  his stomach into his throat.

He gagged and before Harry could even  think about doing anything else, Louis threw up with a violent gurgling  retch. It landed mostly on Louis' front, though some splashed into  Harry's lap and soiled the bedsheets.

The worst part was that Louis wasn't finished.

He swayed, much like a tree caught in a storm, and brought up another wave of sick.

"You're all right, just let it out."

Harry  tried to ignore the growing puddle between them, though he was  sympathetic to Louis' plight. He carefully extracted himself from the  bed and, careful not to trail too much of a mess behind him, he scurried  into the bathroom to retrieve the trashcan.

He handed it to Louis,  who clutched it desperately beneath his chin. He burped thickly before  his face disappeared over the rim, a hollow splattering of sick falling  into the bin.

Harry helped lower Louis off the bed and onto the  floor, hoping that it provided a little more stability than the bed. He  rubbed Louis' back in slow, soothing arcs and murmured reassurances in  his ear.

When Louis was empty and started to dry heave, Harry took  the trashcan out of his white-knuckled grip and placed it in his lap  instead.

Louis' face was gray and his shoulders quivered with  little but unproductive gags. His stomach didn't seem to care that he  had nothing left to give.

Harry pulled Louis; hair off his neck and blew a puff of cold air over the skin there. Louis shivered and spit into the trash.

"Look on the bright side," Harry said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood, "we'll reach land in the morning."

Hiya, sorry for not updating for so long

Also, uf anyone could make a cover for this book for me that would be really nice thanks!

comment what you think or if you have any requests! x

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