Fetus Harry hypothermia

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It was Louis' boot, gently yet insistently nudging Harry's hip, that caused the curly lad to finally open his eyes.

He blinked slowly, staring out at the wet asphalt and frost-covered grass before he slowly inclined his head to meet the eyes of his boyfriend.

"Oi, wake up," Louis said unnecessarily, for it was obvious that Harry was already awake, if only just. "What are you doing out here?"

Harry had half a mind to answer with some form of snark, replying that he was plainly sleeping, but he found that he was so tired, and that anything other than the truth took far too much effort.

"I think I forgot my keys this morning."

Louis sighed, adjusting the bag of groceries in his arms. "Again? You could have called, you know."

"'Knew you were com'n home..."

"Hey, hey!" Louis said, nudging Harry again with a little more urgency, causing his boyfriend to startle and jerk up from where he'd slumped back against the wall. "Don't fall asleep! Look, if you're that tired, let's go inside and you can sleep in bed."

Harry's's eyes were bleary and he blinked slowly as he took too long to process Louis' words. "I n-need help."

Louis sighed, rolling his eyes and adjusting the bag of groceries so he had a free hand to help his boyfriend. Harry was shivering, which came as no surprise considering he'd been sitting outside for an indeterminate amount of time in the dead of winter.

Harry's fingers were like ice and once his feet were under him, he teetered dangerously, stumbling for a moment until he could find his balance. Louis almost dropped the bag in his hand trying to prevent him from falling on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" he demanded, releasing Harry's arm only when he was sure that he was steady.

"Sorry—my head... I got d-dizzy." Harry wrapped his arms around himself, whimpering softly as a violent shudder rippled through him. "So c-c-cold!"

Louis raised an eyebrow. "How long have you been out here?" he asked, resting a hand on the small of Harry's's back and ushering him toward the door. "Here, can you grab the keys? They're in my pocket."

Getting them inside proved itself a different challenge. Once he had the keys, Harry turned toward the door, but his hands shook too badly for him to make any headway with the lock.

"I'm s-sorry," he said, his voice tired and trembling from the cold.

Louis sighed, reaching around with his free hand to help steady Harry's hands and get the key into the slot.

"Go have a seat on the couch," Louis said, ushering them inside and toeing off his shoes by the door. "You can use the blanket on the back to warm up. I'll be there in a minute."

Harry took an obedient step forward and stumbled, tripping over the tile in their entryway and slamming headlong into the back of his boyfriend. In an effort to keep himself upright, Louis lost his grip on the groceries, sending the bag crashing to the floor, items skittering and rolling across the floor. The telltale sign of broken egg yolk seeped from the bottom of the bag.

"Sorry," Harry said again, bending over as if he intended to pick up the mess.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Louis asked, real concern finally finding its way into his voice. "Hey, Harry, no—those eggs are a lost cause. Just leave them there."

"I bruised the apples..."

Louis dropped down beside him when he saw his boyfriend's lower lip begin to quiver. He reached for Harry's hand and tried not to recoil at how icy his fingers felt. He frowned. "You're frozen."

"I didn't want to b-bother you, and I knew you'd be h-h-home soon." Tears started gathering at the corners of Harry's eyes and Louis half expected them to freeze as they rolled down his cheeks.

Louis rolled his eyes good-naturedly and held his arms out, a rare genuine smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "Come here."

Harry wobbled over, plopping himself in Louis' lap and curling into him, shivering violently. Louis held him tightly, rubbing warmth into his arms and occasionally warmth breath onto his hands.

"I'll make you some hot chocolate in a while, when you get some feeling back into your fingers, okay?"

"I want lots of marshmallows," Harry said, humming as Louis pressed a kiss to his hair.

Louis chuckled. This was okay for now.

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