Hiding emotions (Harry)

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Louis didn't mean to eavesdrop, he really didn't. But Harry's door happened to be slightly ajar as he passed by, and he happened to hear what sounded like Harry and Paul arguing, which was such an unusual occurrence that it caused Louis to slow, and as he did so he happened to hear his own name...so could you blame him really, if he stopped a moment to listen?

"-to Louis, Harry. Don't think I haven't noticed." Paul's voice was tense, and it wasn't difficult for Louis to picture the frustrated look on his friend's face.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Paul," Harry replied coolly.

"Yes you do, Harry. You've been ignoring him, and not just during interviews. It's all the time; I never see you two together anymore. You used to be nearly inseparable."

"I...well, I have been very busy lately. Promotion season workload has increased, as you know, and-"

"You guys have been busy before, H," Paul sighed. "This is different and you know it."

"I'm not sure what you're implying Paul, but-"

"I'm implying that you think you need to repress your emotions in order to...I don't even know, man, be listened to or something? You do realize that you can't 'just hide your feelings away and pretend everything's okay, right?"

"I'm not hiding anything, Paul. Unlike Louis, I am not an eccedentesiast."

"Not a...a what?" Paul asked.

"Someone who hides their feelings or pain with a smile," Louis supplied, pushing the door to Harry's room open and stepping inside. Both Harry and Paul jumped in surprise, and Harry looked suddenly very sheepish.

"How...do you know what that means?" Paul asked slowly, after an awkward moment of silence.

"I know big words," Louis said simply, and he saw Harry's shoulders sag a little. "Harry, listen," he added in the firmest dad voice he could muster. "You can ignore me, if you want to. That's...that's your choice."

"Louis, I-"

"But you can't pretend that you don't have feelings, Haz," Louis continued. "Because you do, and repressing them isn't healthy. Trust me, I know. If you don't know what to do with your emotions...well, you have a family that loves you. You have me. You can come to any of us for help. And I promise, none of us will think less of you for it."

Harry was silent for a moment, and Louis could tell that he was struggling to process everything.

"You don't have to do this alone, Harry," Louis whispered. "Not if you don't want to."

More silence, and for a moment, Louis was worried he'd said the wrong thing. Then Harry spoke, his voice slightly choked.

"I...appreciate that, Louis...thank you."

"Oh, Haz sweetheart, come here."

Louis opened up his arms, and after a moment's hesitation, Harry folded into them. The logical side was slightly stiff, and he didn't seem to know quite what to do with his hands, and Louis realized how long it had been since he'd given Harry a proper hug.

He tightened his grip. He wouldn't be making that mistake again.

In case you don't know Paul was their bodyguard. Also Imagine this in like 2013 with all the relationship drama with Eleanor and Taylor...

Hope you like it!

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