Harry drugged (2)

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Warnings for mentions of violence, assault,  and more angst. Well by now I hope that everyone had figured out that this is not a kids story. Nothing much graphic is here only some disturbing themes

The next morning is better. While Harry isn't completely himself, he's better than yesterday - at least thats what his fuzzy mind thought - and actually puts forth effort

He awoke with a start and lay there for a moment, taking in the pain in his head and his rolling stomach but, worse of all, the spiking pain radiating from his lower half. His head was fuzzy. Arms were wrapped around his chest and slowly he moves against Louis, head shifting so he can look at him after opening his eyes. His eyelids flutter a few times as he observes Louis' facial features, soft snores coming out of the mans body.

He didn't remember ending up with Louis in their bed or even remembering when he went to bed at all.

He slipped back out of the bed, not having the heart to wake Louis up. He swings his legs over the side of mattress and uses the nightstand as support. He's extremely weak. His legs feel like jello, absolute mush, as if there's no muscle or bone in them, and they buckle, nearly sending him to the floor, but he manages to catch himself before completely falling to the ground.

He took a couple of deep breaths and staggered next door to the toilet, taking a glance at himself in the mirror as he raised the toilet seat to relieve himself. He was pale, not uncommon after that much drinking, scuffed up, definitely normal this time in the morning and he was still wearing the shirt he had been wearing the night before.

Everything looked normal but he felt so weird. He couldn't describe it, it was like he was missing something, something important, like it was darting around just shy of his subconscious.

He slipped his shirt and boxers off as he padded over to the shower and turned on the faucet, running his hands through his hair he hoped a quick hot shower would clear his head. He stepped onto the cubicle floor and let the water flow over him, feeling a sense of calm until he turned around with his back to the stream. Then the pain hit.

Louis awoke as he heard the shower start up. He groaned and rolled over to check the time on the clock by the bed, 7:54, he groaned again and curled the covers back over him, promising to throttle whoever was waking him up at this time. It was a few seconds before he realised Harry wasn't in bed with him anymore.

Swinging his legs out of the bed he shook his head with a light hearted grumble when he saw Harry's clothes he messily had strewn on the floor.

Leaning down to retrieve Harrys' jeans so he could fold them he noticed a dark smudge on his leg. Inspecting closer he saw the smudge was crusty and rusty brown. Blood. He frowned and felt the skin around the blood cautiously, testing for any injury or sign of where it could have come from. There was no pain, no wound, so why the blood? Glancing around for any hints he noticed a spot on the sheets.

He cautiously lifted the covers where he had been sleeping and cursed loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood as he reeled back in shock. The end of the bed was soaked in deep red blood like the scene of a murder in those crime shows Liam liked to watch. It was enough for him to feel sick and he was starting to shake in fear.

How he has not seen that before?

A thud through the wall that joined onto the bathroom grabbed his attention and the pieces fell into place in Louis' head.

"Harry!" He yelled and rushed out of the room, past the men staring in shock and out to the hall where he rapped his knuckles on the bathroom door urgently, repeating his boyfriends name. The door was locked and he turned around in distress begging someone to do something.

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