Harry asthma attack on stage (1)

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Harry has had asthma for as long as he can remember.  At school it was always difficult to do sports for longer than 30 minutes without running out of breath.

He always kept his inhaler by his side.

But when he got older his ability to breathe improved, he no longer had to wheeze everytime he did activities with friends.

When he joined one direction it came back, during the first arena tour it was hard for Harry to sing without using his inhaler. Maybe he shouldn't jump and dance around  on stage all the time but he never let's his fans down.

The boys of course know that sometimes harry  gets asthma attacks but not frequently anymore but it still scares the shit out of them when he has one of those fits, especially Louis. He's always there for the curly haired lad. His small boy who is now actually a lot taller than him still needs his protection and comfort.

Even after all those years Louis is still by his side no matter the circumstances.

The boys were on the american leg of their tour,  everything went perfect although they were all tired. Heading off to bed at 1 am and waking up at 4 every day is not the best thing in the world.

But they kept going like they always do.


Harry's P.O.V

I watched the boys happily dance while singing when suddenly smoke hits me from the smoke machine in front of me. I immediately start to cough. Shit not agian.. I always have problems with those machines. During the coughing fits my chests starts to tighten. Every movement I made started to hurt, my throat was on fire so I just stopped singing right away.

I started to hyperventilate and wheeze and i tried to warn one of the boys. I looked up to find one of them and saw Louis sitting on the edge of the stage. Try to warn Louis I thought, he always knows what do. I wanted to scream to him but I couldn't my throat was on fire.

I desperetaly searched for any contact and met Liams brown eyes. He was mouthing something at me but i couldn't comprehend it.

I blinked and I noticed everything around me was swaying. Fans were desperate to get any sort of attention of me but I kept my gaze on the floor. Trying to collect my breathing but it didn't work at all. I really need help now, I thought. My heart started to beat faster as my hands started to shake. Emotions started to hit me hard. Sadness. Anger. Fear. Lots of fear. Am I having a panic attack on top of an asthma attack?


Louis' P.O.V

I was sitting on the ramp of the stage while I was mouthing the words Harry's solo in 18. Smiling  at my fans in the front row I noticed there was something off. 

I could only hear the fans screaming the words on the top of their lungs. Why was Harry not singing?

I turned my head to the stage looking for the curly one but i found Liam looking at me instead. Eyes filled with worry he ran over to me.

''I think Harry's having an asthma attack.'' Liam said, picking me easily off the ramp.

I nodded, easily knowing what to do I went to Harry who was standing on the other side of the stage standing by himself looking at the ground.

He looked pale like really really pale. I tried to make eye contact but he just stared at the ground like he didn't even noticed me approaching.

''You alright love? Liam said you were having trouble breathing.'' I said in the most soothing voice.

Then Harry looked up to me with puffy red eyes and suddenly starts coughing. The mic slips out of his hand and the falling sound fills the arena. Harry's clutching at his chest. Body doubled over, his hair covers half of his his face, his face flushes to a dark red as his coughing turns into wheezing.


3rd person P.O.V

''Shit shit, love...harry where is your inhaler?'' Louis says, who is panicking now noticing harry is really having trouble breathing and that it's not just a small fit.

But harry can't produce an anwser his throat is closing up and he can't breathe his body is trembling with hyperventilation.

Still panicking louis sits down next to harry and lifts harry's head to look at him.

''Love..you need to try catching your breath okay... breathe with me.. You're alright I promise okay just listen to my breathing a-and repeat it... '' Louis said but it didn't help.

Harry feels tired ... and weak... he feels utterly weak, and drained to even look up. And all he wanted was being hold by Louis until he could catch his breath... but he just couldn't catch his breath without using his inhaler.

The music had already stopped and chaos ensued, fans were screaming and crying. The big screen went black the second Harry dropped his mic and above all: Harry couldn't fucking breathe.

''The paramedics are on the way.'' Niall very quietly says standing with Liam. When did they even come here? Does it matter?

"Don't panic. It's okay." Liam says in a calm voice but by the looks of it he's just as much panicking as the others.

"Don't tell me to fookin' panic Liam. Harry is having a asthma attack. The paramedic should be here hours ago! Louis hissed at Liam, whilist his eyes still on Harry.

"Lou...sss-stop... you-" Harry finally gasps but gets interrupted by another coughing fit.

The cough are loud and spit is dripping out of his mouth. Harry's eyes grow wide it's all becoming too real the boys are standing in front of him with worried looks, Louis is holding harry's shoulder so he won't fall and Harry is really having trouble breathing and his vision is getting more blurried by the second.

"Shhh baby, sorry..you gotta stay with me.'' Louis whispers. He places his hand carefully on Harry's back.

But harry doesn't even notice Louis' touch or his voice.

Next time Louis takes a look at Harry, he sees a blue tint on his lips and his eyes are so close from closing that all he can see is the white and not the lovely green orbs. He definetly knows that the paramedics need to hurry the fuck up.

"No, no, no, Harry, no. Stay with me, don't do this love, no. C'mon love." Louis says. He gently brushes his fingers at his cheeks, trying to get his attention.

But Harry doesn't acknowledge him anymore, he's too far in his attack and he is losing the fight with his consciousness. All he can hear is muffled voices like he's underwater. His neck and chest muscles are in an extremely tight position that causes discomfrot. He feels tired and is losing his coherence. Black dots are covering his vision and he let's the black take over. His eyes roll back in his head and he falls limply in Louis' arms.

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