In need of cuddles (Harry)

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When Louis finally made it back to their apartment that night, he found Harry exactly where he expected him to be.

The curly one was curled up the couch, encased in a nest of blankets. He appeared to be sleeping, but from the pinched look of his eyebrows, Louis could tell that it was restless.

Louis sat beside him, a fond little smile on his face despite knowing his boyfriend was sick. He raked his fingers across Harry's scalp, his hair damp and his skin warm. It was a gentle tactic he liked to rouse Harry when he was sleeping, but every now and then it backfired and just dragged him into a deeper sleep.

This time it had the desired effect, Harry's eyelids fluttering open, and he smiled sleepily when he saw Louis sitting beside him.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked.

"Okay, I guess," Harry said, shrugging.

"People with fevers are generally not okay, Harry."

"But I am okay. I feel a lot better after taking a nap."

Louis hummed dubiously. "No more nausea?" He made room on the couch as Harry sat up.

"Mm, not really. Stomach hurts a little, though. But I haven't thrown up in hours."

Louis continued to scrutinize him, wanting to see for himself if Harry was really as okay as he said he was. He was a little pale, but his voice was nowhere near as wobbly as it had been when he'd called Louis during his lunch break.

And Harry seemed well-rested now, but Louis couldn't forget that uncomfortable look on his face when he'd first walked in the door.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Harry smiled innocently at him. "Getting comfortable?" He had tucked himself impossibly close to Louis' side, snuggling close to nuzzle his cheek against Louis' chest. "You're warm, and I missed you."

Louis rolled his eyes. "You're the one who's warm, and you're sweaty and smell like barf."

"Loueh," Harry whined, purposefully being extra obnoxious. He looked up at Harry through the tops of his lashes. "I'm sick, and I want cuddles. I need them, Louis."

Sighing, Louis allowed Harry to crawl into his lap. He didn't mind, of course; Harry was clingy enough for the both of them. But he did like giving Harry a hard time about it. It was all in good fun.

He made sure Harry was content and comfortable, wrapping the blanket around him and making sure he sipped at the water he had sitting on the coffee table.

They both fell asleep within the hour, Harry with his head on Louis' chest and Louis' hanging limply over his opposite shoulder. It was the closeness they wanted and they were both happy.

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