A bad drug trip (harry)

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It was Zayn's idea.

An experiment, just a bit of fun. He knew a guy, who knew a guy who could get them some stuff, nothing heavy just enough for some light hearted amusement while the team weas working. It took a while to convince Louis, even longer to encourage Harry to agree but, eventually, they said yes. Granted that they kept it light and quiet and locked the doors to avoid anyone escaping into the streets on a drunken adventure.

Zayn arranged it for a Wednesday when the team was in work and the Lads had been granted a rare opportunity for some time off together. Mainly because they were getting on management nerves so much recently that it was a nice break for everyone, well at least for ⅗ of the band.

They sat around a table, the front and back doors locked as promised, and the small vial of Ketamine in the middle of the wooden surface. It had seemed like a good idea but now Harry wasn't sure; now that it was right there in front of them, actual drugs, legitimate illegal drugs.

Manegement would kill us if they knew.

They glanced at each other, Louis had his hands clasped tightly together in front of him, fingers twitching and edging closer to the vial. He laughed awkwardly, sharing an apprehensive look with the other two, Zayn shrugging in response and Harry leaned back in his chair, biting his lip.

"You're sure it's safe, right?" Harry asked apprehensively, eyeing the bottle with concern even as Zayn nodded his assurance.

"It's legit." Zayn shrugged in response, determined not to let Harry back out now.

"It's not that I haven't done it before, have I?" Zayn decided suddenly giving Louis a pointed look, hand swiping the bottle off the table, quickly removing the lid and dripping five carefully drops of the drug onto his tongue. He swallowed, grimacing at the sour taste and handed it around the table, Louis being the closest who took it with slightly shaking hands and raised it as a toast and lifted it to his lips.

"Woah..." Both Louis and Harry's gaze flicked to Zayn who was leaning back in his chair, hands moving in swiping motions through the air. "This is amazing." He sounded so spaced out Harry couldn't help but giggle and this encouraged Louis to take the plunge and follow in Zayn's footsteps, dropping a small amount into his own mouth.

When the vial came to Harry he stared at it anxiously, once that was inside his blood there wouldn't be a single lucid person in the house. If anything, god forbid, went wrong they'd have no one to help. He briefly considered the fact that there were plenty of breakable objects in the house, not to mention the sharp utensils in the kitchen. He didn't know what this trip would do to them but he wished he had thought further ahead. When he had stopped worriedly scanning the room with his eyes he turned back to see Louis staring at him.

"Come on, love." Louis nudged the bottle towards Harry, his hand slow as he gripped it and lifted it to his open mouth, dripping just as much as Louis and Zayn onto his tongue and settled back into his chair, waiting for it to take hold.

Both of the other lads were slipping completely into their fever dreams, wandering away from the table and spinning circles in the middle of the room, letting out low ooooo's and ahhhh's.

It wasn't working. Zayn and Louis had disappeared into their dream worlds after not even thirty seconds but a minute passed and all Harry felt was a weird buzz beneath his skin. Glancing up he could see Louis laying on the floor of the living room, hands swirling a strange pattern over his head, a face splitting grin on his face and his eyes wide. Zayn was in a similar state, resting on the couch, just smiling subtly, his eyes heavy lidded.

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