High on pain meds (Harry)

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Louis has been through a lot the past twenty four years of his life—more than a lot if he's honest but the last six years with Harry by his side has made it alright.

He still remembers being eighteen and falling deeply in love with the sweet sixteen year old with the curls. He remembers bumping into him in the bathroom and he remembers that Harry said, "Oops," eyes wide in surprise.

He remembers smiling because he recognized Harry even if Harry didn't recognize him and replying with, "Hi." He thinks it would be strange if he didn't remember all of that because he has oops! tattooed on his arm in Harry's handwriting and Harry has Hi in his.

That's why it's a bit strange when the doctor informs him that Harry isn't going to remember anything from the last six years of his life for the next hour or so because of the anesthetic that they administered.

The reason they're at the hospital in the first place is because Harry somehow neglected to mention that his side was bothering him until Louis found him on the kitchen floor, passed out.

Thankfully he only had to get his appendix removed and nothing too damaging happened. Still, Louis shouted at Harry for a good ten minutes after he woke up before hugging him tightly, despite the doctor's orders to not disturb him.

It's been several hours since then and Louis is sitting next to Harry's hospital bed, waiting for him to wake up. The nurses told him that Harry should be awake any minute and when he does, Louis should make sure that he eats some food.

Louis is busy texting the rest of the boys an update on what's going on that he doesn't even realize when Harry wakes up until he hears rustling and then, "Oops."

Immediately Louis' head snaps up and he sees Harry trying feebly to pick up the water bottle he just dropped onto the floor. Without thinking about it, Louis reaches over and grabs Harry by the wrist gently, stopping him. "Hi," he greets warmly.

Harry turns to look at him then and Louis watches as he inhales sharply in surprise. Louis furrows his eyebrows at him, unsure why Harry is giving him that look and he's even further confused when Harry breathes, "Wow."

Louis blinks at him, dropping his wrist. "What is it? Have I got something on my face?"

Harry shakes his head really slowly and his expression is—of awe? It's not a rare expression on Harry's face since he's awed by even the simplest things but it's very misplaced here in a hospital room after he's just had surgery.

"No," Harry mumbles, eyes wide and he looks slightly crazed. Louis realizes it must be the anesthetics making him loopy. "God, you're so gorgeous."

That startles a laugh out of Louis and he covers his hand with his mouth in disbelief. "I'm what?"

"Gorgeous," Harry repeats very seriously.

Louis smiles before he can help it and immediately scrambles for his phone, turning the camera on and starting to record a video. As if he's going to let the world miss out on a hazy Harry calling him gorgeous.

He's then reminded of his current responsibilities and with his other hand, he picks a cracker off the plastic plate that the nurses left behind. "Eat up, Harry."

"I'll do anything you want me to do," Harry replies with an earnest expression, taking the cracker from Louis' hand and Louis laughs again. "Just say the word."

"That's good to know, love, thank you," Louis replies, patting Harry's free hand lightly before leaning back in his seat. "Are you feeling alright?"

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