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Quinn's POV-

     We grab our trays and sit down at an empty table. "Daniela, did you really have to do that? I mean it wasn't a big deal." Sydney says while trying to calm her down. Daniela stares at her blankly. "Sorry I said anything." Sydney says trying not to spark anything. "Guys, I don't fell like eating anything anymore. Mean girl just made me lose my appetite." I say in an annoyed voice. "Umm.." Everyone looks at Steven. "Everyone is staring at us." We look around and tables are staring at us. "Great, just great." Daniela speaks and plops her head down on the table.

      "Guys lets just go. I mean everyone is staring at us why don't we ju-" Tommy says but is cut off. "All classes resume." "Wait. What are our classes then?" I question. "Oh guys, follow me." JJ says signaling us to follow him. "Daniela." Me and Sydney whispered know she was embarrassed to face JJ. "I am coming, chill." She gruffly got up and walked behind us to hide her face from JJ so he wouldn't see her after the incidence with whatever her name is. "Okay, so since your new your taking learning and controlling 101. It will teach you about your powers and how you can control and use them." Sweet!" Tommy and Steven said slapping hands. "All right, so see you guys later then." JJ said walking away.

      "Hello, hello students I am Mr.Crane, I will be teaching your learning and control 101 class." "Okay so when do we start?" I asked eager to learn more about mine and my friends powers. "NOW!" Mr.Crane snapped his fingers and in a blink of an eye we were in outer space and floating. "This is where you'll be in for this class. Its an illusion. I can make illusions and read people minds when I touch them. Now who wants to go first?" "ME!!!!" Steven shouts. "Okay then come here." Mr.Crane says Steven floats to him. Mr.Crane touches Steven, he blanks out for 2 seconds and then he speaks. "Okay, so you can shape shift. You can turn into any creature you like. You already did it when you turned into that ant to get away from those guys." We all star blankly at him. "Wait, how did you know about that." Sydney asked. "I can read minds. I can see the history in your eyes." He explains. "Anyway who's next?" We all shoot our hands up. "You" he points to Tommy. Tommy floats quickly over to him and again he does the same to what he did with Steven. "You can Phase through objects and control electricity." "Sweet! Electric man." Tommy floats over and high fives Steven. Me, Daniela, and Sydney rolls our eyes. "Next one to go? What about you young lady?" He points at Sydney. "I guess." Sydney like everyone else floats over to him and he began to read her mind. "Well, Your powers deal with minds. Telekinesis and Mind control. You can read minds and make them think and say what you want them to." When he finishes Sydney is smiling. "That's sweet." We all laugh and Tommy rolls his eyes. "So the last two. Who's going?" Mr.Crane ask. "I will." Daniela is already floating to him to get her mind read. The same as always he begins to read her mind. "You have enhanced senses and precognition. Future tip, you should always listen to her when she has a feeling or sense." He says. Seeming like he knows from experience. "Last but not least." He looks at me. I glide my way up to him feeling so light weighted. He places his hands on my shoulders. "You can control the four elements. Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air. You can make fire balls to making water shapes to making buildings and breaking the earth and ground to even using wind to fly and blow away objects and things." He smiles.

     *DING* "That's the bell. Off to your dorms. Its the end of the day. Since you got here later you'll be getting your schedules and classes tomorrow. But to let you know, for your different powers you'll have other learning classes to control and use your powers. You'll have some different classes besides this one. Since your newer you'll be in this class together. But for those who have mental ability vs. Physical abilities will be in different classes." We stare at each other, knowing we won't see each other as long as we thought we would.

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